Updated details
... I emailed a letter that was never received. I emailed a second letter with a couple of corrections and some new items. ... On Dec. 6 my first letter appeared. Two corrections: First, the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot information was wrong. Second, the Wisconsin “indefinitely confined” electors number is 28,000, not 96,000.
Other things not covered in the media are:
l A video from Atlanta showing poll workers told to leave, then four people stay behind and take suitcases full of ballots from under a table and begin feeding them into voting machines.
l Michigan mailed out 355,000 unsolicited ballots.
l Tens of thousands of “pristine” ballots (mail-in ballots with no folds).
l U.S. Postal Service driver says he drove 200,000 to 300,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.
l Kamala Harris hasn’t resigned her Senate seat yet. Why not?
l People are in prison because of one or two eyewitness testimonies. This election has more than 5,000 affidavits signed under penalty of perjury (five years in prison).
l Possible ties between the Bidens, China, and Dominion. China, our greatest enemy, much prefers Joe Biden. Donald Trump caused them too many problems (See Tucker Carlson, Dec. 7).
The left had the motive (Trump hatred), the opportunity (once poll watchers were gone) and the means (Dominion machines plus extra ballots) to steal this election.
With these and other facts, my hope is that the other side can at least acknowledge that they can understand why we continue to pursue this.
Bruce Crossfield
Waste not
... In America, we throw out 40 percent of the food we produce every year, all while one in every seven children is food insecure. It doesn’t have to be like this.
The consumer can help by making more frequent trips to the store. Making smaller, more frequent trips to the grocery store can be a major contributor to addressing our food waste crisis. ...
By taking this simple step to purchase our groceries in smaller quantities more frequently we can reduce food waste by 10 percent.
This solution has its own problems. ...
By taking more trips to the store, we can increase greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change, but few appreciate that wasting food is also a major contributor to climate change. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, transportation makes up 28 percent of the greenhouse gases produced in the U.S., while food waste accounts for 26 percent.
When food decomposes it releases methane, which is much more harmful than carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas produced by gasoline-powered transportation.
For a real win-win solution, a consumer could not only buy smaller quantities of groceries to reduce food waste, but also look for less polluting transportation options to get to and from the grocery store, such as riding a bike, carpooling or taking public transit. ...
This food waste crisis needs to end and you have the power to stop it.
Kayla Boyd
Money matters
1.The Lewiston Tribune announced they were going to a six-day paper. I paid for three months before the announcement. So, are they going to reimburse me or did I pay for a seven-day subscription and get only six days?
2. On Aug. 21, 2019, Asotin County Sheriff John Hilderbrand stated the county property across from the landfill was the ideal place for the jail. Four sites were quoted, and the 14th and Port Drive site was not included. The architect even commented that the county property would save millions.
3. Commissioner Brian Shinn stated ... that only 4 acres of the 6.43 acres is used for the jail. Where is the money for the other 2.43 acres coming from? I bet Shinn is paying it from his commissioner wages, for which he signs a time card that he works 40 hours a week. At this time, there is no need to ask how much tax revenue will be lost because the government owns the property.
Just curious.
Jim Griffin
Star brings a smile
We are all going through rough times right now and have been for quite a few months. Yes, the COVID-19 virus has put all of us in a downward spiral and so many rules and restrictions to follow.
None of us were prepared for this pandemic, but we are right smack in the middle of it. The rules we have been asked to follow have been difficult and ignored by too many. As a result, we have lost far too many hundreds of thousands of lives in our country.
This is not easy for anyone. So let’s try to do better for everyone, especially our families and all families.
Each day as dusk sets in, I take joy in looking at that beautiful bright, shining star up on the Lewiston Hill and just for a moment I feel some peace in my heart and a smile comes across my face. I feel things are going to be better.
Try it. It might put a smile on your face, too, and a good feeling in your heart.
I would like to say thank you to the Lions Club volunteers who did a beautiful job for our community.
Florene Hernandez
Fraud occurred
Some say if you question whether there was voter fraud during the presidential election, you are “attempting a coup to overthrow the U.S. government” and “maliciously doing irreparable damage” as there is no evidence of fraud.
I say without honest, corruption-free elections, we are no longer the United States.
In my Nov. 22 letter, I asked people to look at the facts.
Since then, hundreds of eye witnesses have come forward and testified about election fraud and irregularities in every swing state with thousands of pages of sworn affidavits.
They risk going to jail if they lie, harassment from the media and even death threats from President Donald Trump haters. They witnessed ballots being scanned multiple times, votes being changed to Joe Biden, vote tallies being changed overnight with no votes counted, unsecured USB drives used in machines and a lot more.
An auto execute type file on a USB drive can be programmed to do whatever the programmer wants, including changing votes.
In Atlanta, at about 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 3, poll watchers and the media were told that counting was done for the night and to leave.
At 11 p.m., security cameras video-recorded four people pull four carts of ballots out from under a covered table and illegally count the ballots. During that time, Biden gained a enough votes to change the outcome.
Thousand of dead, non-registered or non-resident people voted. A thorough investigation of these facts and an audit should be done as soon as possible. ...
Rick Hanks