No bastion of credibility
In a July 29 letter, David Klatt complained about an Associated Press story that the Tribune reported regarding the Hunter Biden investigation by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. He felt that the AP story by Farnoush Amiri and Lisa Mascaro left out crucial facts about Hunter Biden’s financial dealings that two IRS investigators reported to the committee.
True, the agents mentioned bank payments as well as the companies involved, but when pressed, they couldn’t provide any further details that could have shed light on the legality or purpose for the payments. The AP article rightly stated, “Still, House Republicans are deepening their own investigation, making broad claims of corruption and wrongdoing by the Bidens, which they acknowledge have not been proven to be true.”
To make his point, Mr. Klatt suggested looking up a different story featured on Fox News, which is hardly the bastion of credibility or impartiality. I think I’ll pass on that one.
Patrice Yeatter
Deciding on books
Three Republican members of the Idaho Legislature want to decide what everyone in the state can read.
I haven’t seen their list of what’s good and what’s bad, and probably they don’t even have one. What they say is good might not be of any interest to me and thousands of other readers. What they say is bad might seem benign to many of us.
When I worked in a county library in Texas, I checked out to patrons and shelved hundreds of books a week and saw many books that piqued my interest as well as many that looked boring, scary or just plain strange. I never removed a book or told anyone “you can’t read that.”
As a volunteer in school libraries and later on the school board, I encountered very few parents who objected to books and only one (in 12 years) who actually read the book and filled out the form to request a review.
Parents have the power and responsibility to monitor their children’s reading. Adults are quite capable of making these decisions for themselves.
How refreshing it would be for the Idaho Legislature to remove the grocery tax, increase the homestead exemption on property taxes or deal with any number of other real issues, instead of telling others what they can and cannot read.
Linda Ross
Howdy Doody time
Between bouts of throwing his food on the floor and ketchup at the wall, Donald Trump yimmered, yammered and wailed to Mark Meadows and Cassidy Hutchison that it was so embarrassing he had lost the 2020 presidential election to a loser like Joe Biden and, “We can’t let anybody know.”
Hey boys and girls, it’s Howdy Doody time and the bloated Bozo is still trying his damndest to keep anyone from finding out.
But everyone knows, even though the reprobates on the right will never admit it, because the biggest loser, criminal, traitor, liar, racist, rapist, twice-impeached, multiple times-indicted moron happens to be the Repubes’ only shot at dethroning Sleepy Joe.
So they have launched a full-scale scat attack to try to make the charges against Mr. “I Am Innocent” disappear. This involves showing photos of Hunter Biden’s penis in the House chambers, and possibly impeaching Joe Biden.
All is aimed at keeping Humpty Dumpty Trumpty out of the slammer, while he takes in millions from his brain-dead groupies.
Meanwhile, a Mr. Tommy Toobervile continues to block critical military promotions in the Senate, allowing his Christian nationalism to put our national security at risk, with the blessings of the Repubes.
Everybody knows Trump is a criminal and a traitor and the charges against him are valid, but the goons on the right need him to complete their agenda of overthrowing our democracy and installing a dictatorship with Mr. Puffy at the top of the food chain.
Mike Epstein