OpinionApril 6, 2020

No time to judge

According to the American Library Association, the mission of the library is “to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” The key part of that statement is “for all,” not just for the ones who can afford it.

As a retired children’s librarian, I witnessed children being denied access to library materials due to a fine on their card due to no fault of their own. This isn’t a question of responsibility; it is a question of access. Perhaps a parent used the child’s card. Perhaps the child moves between Mom and Dad’s house and library materials were forgotten or misplaced.

Or perhaps the family had to flee a domestic abuse situation.

Unfortunately, fines disproportionately affect children and low-income families. Fines prevent children accessing materials over the summer to maintain their reading readiness when they return to school.

I applaud the VALNet directors in removing fines throughout the system. Librarians help communities access the materials they need. The library’s responsibility is to provide access, not punishment.

Now we are all staying in our homes and social distancing ourselves from our neighbors, our schools and our community. Think of all the library materials in people’s homes that might become overdue due to no fault of their own. Some of us may lose our jobs or our livelihood. Thank goodness we aren’t adding a library fine on top of it.

So, let’s stop judging. Instead, check out your local school or public library website and see how they are helping you.

Heather Stout


Commends local response

Many, many thanks to the Latah County commissioners and the mayor and Moscow City Council for taking action to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in our community.

They took the initiative when there was no state action.

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Also, thank you to Sen. David Nelson who had the courage and common sense to leave this session of the Idaho Legislature early when it became apparent that staying in session was a danger to himself and others in the Capitol. ...

Thanks to our local officials for recognizing the danger this pandemic poses to us all.

Linda Pike


Stopping Obamacare

It’s ironic that people think it’s environmentalists who are taking us back to the dark ages when, in fact, it’s the anti-science, anti-factual dolts who are literally trying to take us back to the dark ages.

For instance, if someone can look at the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 situation and see competence, they lack the ability to assess competence. Actually, if a person can look at the Trump administration and see competence at any level other than the production of misinformation and disinformation, that person does not maintain the capacity to assess competency.

The series of inevitable catastrophes America is facing right now is the direct result of electing Donald Trump. It’s funny that Trump despises his own supporters. He, at least, recognizes his duped minions for what they are.

How many reading this know the Trump administration has legally invalidated Obamacare entirely via the courts, and they’re just waiting until after the election to take it away officially? Good timing, right? These are the actions that members of cult45 rabidly support — taking away your health care during an international pandemic and recession.

This is the behavior that members of cult45 deem as appropriate and competent. They simply refuse to accept reality and rarely stop crowing about how justified their ignorance and malice is.

This is where we are right now America. What are we going to do about it? It’s going to take more than washing our hands to deal with cult45 and their delusions.

Brian Rhoades


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