OpinionApril 28, 2024

Appropriate placement

About two Lewiston Tribune front-page articles on April 11: “Who’s hurt by housing costs? Everyone” and right below that, “Biden sets first-ever limits on ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water.”

This was appropriate placement. Cause and effect. More unnecessary left-wing government regulations from the top down continue to add to the cost of everything everywhere for everyone. Sad for all of us.


Lucky Brandt


Genocide of Palestinians

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It’s truly sad what happened to the Jewish people in the Holocaust, but that doesn’t give them the right to inflict the same kind of misery on the Palestinian people, which they’ve been doing for more than three-quarters of a century.

Few people in the West know the facts of Israel’s creation, where more than 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed, thousands of civilians massacred and more than a million women and children forced from their homes at gunpoint from 1947-49.

Since the 1948 Nakba, Palestinians have been oppressed, subjugated and terrorized by the Jews on a daily basis, subjected to Israeli military occupation, discrimination and violent attacks. Every year hundreds of Palestinians are killed, tortured and imprisoned by Israeli security forces, but these incidents are rarely reported by Western mainstream media.

Along with widespread arrests of Palestinians since its inception, Israel has taken punitive measures against Palestinian civil society in its eternal struggle for statehood and independence from Israel. This includes the designation of six leading Palestinian civil organizations as terrorist, primarily because of their efforts to hold Israel accountable in the International Criminal Court.

One of the biggest fictions regarding the creation of Israel is that the land the Jews seized was empty. Israel’s visibility and access to Western media is vital to the propagation of such fictional realities, where all Jewish actions are justified and any criticism labeled “antisemitism.”

Israeli genocide of Palestinians continues unabated, with blessings and assistance from the biggest, most hypocritical warmongering nation on earth.

Mike Epstein


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