Fifth- and sixth-grade students at Tammany School are shown in the 1951-52 school year. A reunion for students, parents and staff at Tammany School is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday at Sunset Park in Lewiston. Attendees are asked to bring a chair, drinks and a snack to share. Students are, from left, front row: Dianne Rowland, Jeanne Hollenbeck, Carol Isabelle, Carl Stephens, Robert Watkins, Delmont Stephens, Boyd Hopkins and Mr. Weholt; second row: Nola Elben, Dixie Bruun, Neal Bruun, Willis Presnell, Bill Schwandt and Charles Hunt; back row: Lois Andrews, Albert Cook, Larry Buchanan, Betty Thiessen, John Milam and Gilbert Cawrse.