A multipurpose Clearwater Power Co. vehicle is shown in action in this photo published in the May 11, 1960, Lewiston Tribune. The photo accompanied a feature story by Tribune reporter Sam Day about the 25th anniversary of the Rural Electrification Administration, which was created by executive order in 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The use of the truck made it no longer necessary for a lineman to climb up a pole to make repairs because the truck has a long cross-arm which lifts electrical equipment into place atop the pole, according to the photo caption. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to blasts@lmtribune.com or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.