Blast from the PastMarch 13, 2025

Lewiston Tribune
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Two men observe a break in the bank of Sweetwater Canal about three miles south of Mann Lake in the east Lewiston Orchards in this photo published in the July 16, 1966, Lewiston Tribune. William E. Kimmons, left, Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District manager, points out the course of the water seepage to his brother, Lloyd Kimmons, who is visiting Lewiston from Arkansas, according to the photo caption. Routine inspection alerted LOID workers to the break in the canal, which carries water from Craig Mountain, before the entire canal bank collapsed, according to the accompanying story. Gates to the canal had to be closed and the water drained from it before damage could be repaired. Kimmons said holes made by burrowing gophers apparently started the canal bank erosion. Readers who would like to share their historical photos (20 years or older) from throughout the region may do so by emailing them to or submitting them to: Blast from the Past, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Questions? Call Jeanne M. DePaul at (208) 848-2221.

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