The ScoopFebruary 23, 2025

Lewis-Clark Toastmasters

Kent Barnett was toastmaster for the group’s Feb. 13 meeting.

Bruce Neu was named better speaker for his speech titled, “Long Joke.”

Tom Eier was table topic master and quizzed members on a Valentine’s Day theme. Barnett was named best table topic speaker, with a delivery which brought tears to the eyes of some attendees.

Pete Gertonson was chosen better evaluator. Patti Mann served as grammarian and the word of the day was “auspicious.”

Members met again Feb. 20 with Gertonson as toastmaster.

Eier was chosen the better speaker with his speech titled, “A Blast from the Past.”

Neu was the table topic master, and Chance Brumley was the best table topic speaker and also was named the better evaluator.

The next meeting is 6-7:15 a.m. Thursday at the Congregational-Presbyterian Church, 709 Sixth St., Lewiston.

— Submitted by Pete Gertonson and Chance Brumley

Alpha Delta Kappa, Beta Beta Chapter

There were nine members present at the group’s Feb. 13 meeting in Clarkston High School’s teachers’ room. They worked on Valentine’s Day placemats to be used at Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of Clarkston.

Janet Peacock was welcomed as a reinstated ADK member.

Tammi Randles gave the treasurer’s report. Sharon Hoseley informed members that the chapter will be in charge of the district’s intern scholarship for 2026.

Janet Beitelspacher, Scholarship Committee chairperson, reported the committee had reviewed the two completed scholarship applications and recommended that $500 scholarships be awarded to Jera Graham and Kaeden Frazier, both currently working toward their teaching degrees. Members voted to approve this and also to have the applications due at the end of January and September so recipients could use the award in their current school term.

Hoseley read a summary of the late Luann Nedrow’s teaching career at Grantham Elementary School. Nedrow was a member of Beta Beta. The members then discussed how to disperse memorial funds for Nedrow, and then voted to have a plaque in her memory honoring past, present and future educators of Alpha Delta Kappa to be placed in the Grantham teachers’ room.

Hoseley also announced an invitation from the Lili GC Foundation, a nonprofit organization, to attend a March 13 meeting to learn more about the foundation.

Patti Lee gave the “thought for the day” about hearts and the importance of heart health, both physical and emotional and what we can give to others in need.

Chapter members have been invited to join the Spokane ADK Chapters for a Spring Tea on April 26.

— Submitted by Sharon Hoseley

Washington State School Retirees Association, Clarkston, Asotin, Pomeroy Unit 1

Members met Feb. 13 at Jollymore’s in Lewiston.

The unit supported The Kindness Project prepared by Jan Goodheart and she is now asking for help to deliver “smiles boxes” to the schools which will contain books, jokes and activities for the children.

Goodheart has been chosen as the unit’s nominee for the state WSSRA Stan McNaughton Community Award which will be presented at the state convention June 2-4.

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Sheryl Andrews is the group’s new Sunshine Lady who will send cards from the unit to those who need cheering up. Members are asked to send names and addresses to her for mailing.

A preretirement panel will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. March 26 at the Clarkston School District office.

Clarkston High School is seeking volunteers to evaluate senior presentations March 20 from noon-3 p.m. or 3:15-6 p.m.

Brian Bailey of Edward Jones will be sponsoring the unit’s mailed newsletter to members.

Officers will remain the same for the next year.

Garry Bush, of Lewiston, gave a presentation titled “The Day the Circus Came to Town” about the story of Mary the elephant in Lewiston.

The unit will meet March 5 at Lewis-Clark State College for the culinary arts program tour.

— Submitted by Sharon Hoseley

Lewiston-Clarkston Lions Club

There were 11 members present at the club’s Jan. 22 meeting. President Barry Pemberton started the meeting with opportunities for members’ bragging.

Officer reports were given and include Secretary Jean Long reading a thank you note for the club’s donation to Leader Dogs. She said she has done some work on updating the club brochure, merging information from the Lewiston and Clarkston clubs.

Barry Pemberton showed a video called “Growing Your Lions Club” which focused on ideas to increase club membership.

Tim Rivers has spoken with Steve Button with the Lewiston High School Key Club and members plan to attend a meeting to discuss their continued partnership with the club for parking cars. Jeanne Poxleitner passed around the updated version of the club roster for members’ review.

Fred Schmidt made a motion that the club make a donation to Lions Clubs International Foundation to be designated for help with the recent California fires, which members voted to approve. Schmidt also reported on his visit to longtime member Jim Luper.

Members then discussed topics for future meetings.

Both Schmidt and Linn Pemberton gave humorous readings.

At the group’s Feb. 8 meeting, there were nine members and five guests in attendance.

Barry Pemberton started the meeting with members’ bragging.

Elaine Cook, Lions Club 2nd vice district governor, gave a short presentation to update members on International and District goals and activities. She reminded members of the importance of supporting CARE, Leader Dog and Lions Club International Foundation programs. She noted Lions International is working to add 1.2 million members throughout the world by 2027 and provided goals for each club toward this goal. She also reminded members about the District meeting April 25-29 in Selah, Wash. She also presented a 10-year membership pin to Judy Hasson and a 15-year membership pin to Cheryl Flemming.

Long received information on White Cane Days and members agreed to send a donation.

Linda Kramer, a former member of the Clarkston club, was inducted into the club. Jeanne Laws stood in for Kramer’s original sponsor, Linn Pemberton.

Members discussed plans for the annual Easter egg hunt and Poxleitner and Laws will be checking on the plastic eggs. Julie Keller agreed to be the bunny again.

Cheryl Fleming reported one request for eyeglasses has been approved since the last meeting and Shopko will be getting 2025 vouchers to her soon.

Laws reported the club did eyesight and hearing screenings Feb. 7 at All Saints Catholic School in Lewiston with five parents/grandparents, four Lions members and a former member helping as volunteers, and 140 students were screened over two hours.

— Submitted by Barry Pemberton

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