Alpha Delta Kappa, Xi Chapter
Seven members attended the group’s Nov. 9 meeting at Lewiston’s Hells Canyon Grand Hotel.
President Terry Whipple introduced the guest speaker, Stacia Morfin, chief executive officer of Nez Perce Tourism, program manager for the Nez Perce Community Navigator Business Program and owner of Traditions Gift Shop.
Morfin provided a lot of information about the Nez Perce Tribe and provided members with copies of the 2024 Nez Perce Small Business Directory.
Whipple then officially opened the meeting and Josie Marshall offered a prayer. Officer reports were given and Treasurer Julie Snider also reminded members that dues are due in December.
Committee reports began with questions for the Altruistic Committee regarding volunteering at the Idaho Food Bank in Lewiston. Vice President Nancy Benson will check with the food bank about dates open for members to volunteer.
The Courtesy Committee will send “Thinking of You/Get Well” cards to two members. Secretary Cottie Hood reported a card has been sent to Sharon Hoseley, of Beta Beta Chapter, thanking her for her leadership for the October Founders Day.
Whipple thanked that day’s hosts, Rosemary Founds and Hood, for providing the Thanksgiving-themed table decorations and gift basket items. Hood drew the names of gift basket recipients: Rona Meske, Benson and Whipple. The $32 raised through donations will be added to the Xi Chapter Scholarship Fund.
The meeting ended with members singing the official ADK song, “The Lamp of ADK.”
The next meeting will be a special holiday tea at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 14 with Meske as host.
— Submitted by Cottie Hood