Local NewsMay 15, 2022

LC Valley Lions Club

Members met April 27.

Tim Rivers read a thank you note about the club’s donation to the Asotin/Garfield adoptive parents group.

Secretary Jeanne Laws reported the new member packets have arrived.

Members parked cars for the motocross April 16, and reported weather that was, cold, rainy, windy and miserable.

Laws also reported on the club’s Easter egg hunt which had approximately 200 children participating. Bill Evans will contact other organizations to ask if they want to partner with the Lions for this event.

The club has changed the Lions signs in Clarkston and is waiting for approval from Lewiston.

The club will participate in White Cane Days with money donated going to the Northwest Lions Foundation.

Barry Pemberton asked for volunteers for the club’s semiannual highway trash pickup on April 14.

The club parked cars for a recent demolition derby.

Lauralyn Rogers received a request from Asotin Lions for donations to help Asotin STEM students and members approved a donation.

Members discussed hearing aid requests and the club will get the current information on funding for this need from the Northwest Lions Foundations.

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Alice Whitman Chapter

Regent Mary Krempasky presided at the group’s meeting April 16 with 20 members present in person, three attending via Zoom and one prospective member.

Krempasky and Chaplain Lyndsey Woltering led the ritual, Betty Meloy led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Becky Riendeau led the singing of the national anthem.

For the program, Idaho State Chapter Children of the American Revolution President Cole Young presented information, via Zoom, about the CAR participation in the Equine Therapy for Veterans.

Liz Hess, American History chairwoman, and Suzanne Grove, presented Shelly Kuther with the Alice Whitman Chapter Women in American History award. Kuther received this award based on her service to the Illo Volmer Historical Society, continuing education for historical society training and her work on the history of Lewis County.

Sadie Walters talked about the CAR Day of Service and also was presented with a $100 donation by the chapter for the Lewis-Clark Society.

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Joye Dillman, NSDAR corresponding docent, gave a presentation on the NSDAR Museum’s current display featuring domestic kitchens and their evolution through the years.

CAR Senior State President Anne Bechen, a guest attending via Zoom, gave a presentation on the beginning of the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution.

Jeanie Hafer read the president general’s message and Linda Baker read the national defense report.

Officer reports were given by Krempasky; Judy Higgins, vice regent; Darlene Larson, corresponding secretary; Becky Riendeau, treasurer; and Dillman, historian. Committee reports were given by Krempasky, U.S. Flag; Judi Wutzke, DAR Service to Veterans; Gail Pint, Project Patriot.

Julie Riendeau reported she has copies of the ISSDAR state directory for sale and that she is a co-chairman for Pamela Rice Wright’s team as candidate for the national society leader.

Becky Mahurin announced there will be a Quilt of Valor presentation at the Lewiston Elks on June 10 following the Flag Day Award.

Suzanne Grove, Darlene Larsen, Liz Hess, Lyndsey Woltering shared their good news during the Brag Bucks portion of the meeting.

The next meeting will be Saturday at the Lewiston Elks. Mary Stanley, Jo Moore, Becky Riendeau and Dory Lohrey-Birch will be hosts.

Twin Rivers Toastmasters

Bruce Neu headed the club’s meeting Tuesday as toastmaster.

Loren Beauchamp’s speech title was “Philanthropy: Volunteering and Interlink” and Elizabeth Braker evaluated his speech.

Jerome Hansen headed table topics, which were won by Doug Crook.

Diana Higgins was grammarian and her word of the day was “hell-bent.” Mark Havens served as timer, with Joseph Moyosviyi serving as general evaluator.

Lewis Clark Toastmasters

David Carringer was toastmaster of the group’s impromptu meeting Tuesday.

Tom Eier was first speaker and his speech title was “It’s a Steal.” He was evaluated by Pete Gertonson.

Nick Woods was second speaker and his speech was titled “Disappointment in Society.” He was evaluated by Vic Racicot.

Bruce Neu led table topics, Pete Gertonson was general evaluator and Patti Mann was invocation/timer. Kent Barnett was grammarian and word of the day was “indivisible.”

Awards went to Woods for best speaker, Mann for best table topics and Gertonson for best evaluator.

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