Local NewsFebruary 27, 2022

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Feb. 27, 1962

Instead of the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony, the Lewis & Clark Highway will be officially opened Aug. 19 when the governors of Idaho and Montana cut a log in two, William E. Simon told Lewiston Chamber of Commerce directors yesterday.

“We thought this would be more appropriate,” said Simon, who is chairman of the joint dedication committee and of the subcommittee on ceremonies, program and invitations.

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Lewiston chamber directors voted to allocate $100 to the dedication committee to help with expenses. Simon noted Missoula and Kamiah chambers each have approved similar allocations. He said chambers “all along the line” of the highway will be asked to contribute.


Names of several Clarkston individuals and one international figure have been suggested thus far for the new Clarkston High School gymnasium, Clyde Manis, faculty adviser to the Student Council, said yesterday.

A contest being conducted by the council will end in mid-March.

Individuals suggested, Manis said, are William J. Harmon, former superintendent of schools under whose administration the new high school building was constructed; William E. Kramer, the high school principal; and Frank Mosher, a retired member of the faculty.

Another suggestion was that the gym be named after Dag Hammarskjold, late secretary-general of the United Nations who was killed in an African plane crash in 1961.

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