Note: Some who are incarcerated have not been judged guilty and are awaiting court dates. List content reflects time at which log is updated.
JANUARY 14, 2020
GRIM, Joshua Keith 11-01-79 M W SO Y 07-09-18 1900 hrs Child Molestation 1st$75000 c/s SUP
SO Y 11-03-18 1500 hrs Poss/Delivery Cont Sub in Jail, Consp to Comm Del $25000 c/s SUP
HUDDLESTON, William Ray 01-26-76 MW SO Y 11-20-18 1430 hrs FTC Probation ViolationNONESUP
Y 11-21-18 1544 hrs Witness Tampering, Witness Intimidation NONE SUP Bond Order Violation COMBSUP
COMBS, Joshua Curtis06-07-80 M W SO Y 01-19-19 1933 hrsFTA DCS, Conspiracy to DCS NONESUP
Attempt to Elude, Bail Jumping NONE SUP
Aslt 3rd, Resist Arrest, PCS W/Intent to Deliver x2 COMB SUP
PCS (Clonazepam) COMB SUP
SODERBERG, Steven Young 04-11-88 M W CPD Y 05-11-19 1130 hrs Burg 2ndx5, Theft 2ndx4, ID Theft 2nd, Theft 3rd$25000 c/sSUP
WAITS, Jason David 08-01-82 MW SO Y 05-27-19 2245 hrs Child Molestation 1st, Attempted Child Molestation 1st$50000 c/s SUP
SO Y 05-28-19 0830 hrsAttempt Rape of a Child 1stCOMB SUP
BROWN, Anthony Edward 07-15-69 M W SO Y 06-13-19 1300 hrs Felony Poss of Firearm, Fail to Register Sex Offender $25000 c/s SUP
SO Y 06-13-19 1300 hrsS/T Rape 3rdNONE SUP
MCNAMEE, Michael Patrick 06-08-79 M W SO Y 07-04-19 1921 hrs PCS (Meth) $50000 c/s SUP
SO Y 07-04-19 1921 hrsFailure to Register as SO, Escape Community Custody$50000 c/s SUP
COMER, Damien Ray 02-24-93M W SO Y 07-11-19 2210 hrs Aslt of a Child 2nd$50000 c/s SUP
VANTINE, Robert Wade02-22-64 M W SO Y 07-18-19 0040 hrsAttempt to Elude, Reckless Endangerment 2nd, DWLS 3rd$10000 c/s SUP
07-19-19 1000 hrs Felony Eluding Nez Perce Co$50000 c/sHOLD
SLUSHER, Brendon Michael 07-21-95 MW SO Y 08-06-19 1700 hrs S/T Introduction of Contraband 2nd, Del Legend Drug 8 Months SUP
RD 01-16-19 1500 hrs
N 12-31-19 0700 hrs OSW Probation Violation Nez Perce Co NONEHOLD
JACKSON, Stephen Ray 8-12-75 M B SO Y 08-15-19 0823 hrs FTC Tampering w/Evidence, Veh Prowl 2nd$5000 c/s DIST
Criminal Trespass 2nd
SO Y 08-15-19 0823 hrsPCS (Suboxone), PSP 3rdx2, Tampering w/ Evidence, Resisting$10000 c/s SUP
NANIK, Daniel Douglas08-05-83 M W SO Y 09-29-19 1915 hrs Viol NCO x 7, Res Burg DV$10000 c/s SUP
CPD Y 09-29-19 1915 hrs FTA Aslt 4th, Crim Trespass 1st$5000 c/s MUN
BEST, Tyeler Jay 07-06-92 M WSO Y 10-20-19 1400 hrsID Theft 2nd, Veh Prowl 2nd, Theft 2nd$25000 c/s SUP
FOGLEMAN, Levi Allen 10-12-89M W SO Y 10-23-19 1025 hrsPCS, PCS w/Intent to Deliver X 2, Del PCS x 3 $30000 c/s SUP
ELLS, Wally Ray 03-27-70 M WSO Y 10-25-19 1735 hrsBurg 2nd, Traffic Stolen Prop 1st, Disorderly Conduct $25000 c/s SUP
N 11-16-19 0800 hrs FTA Mal Mish 3rd, Veh Prowl 2nd$2600 c/s MUN
TORRENCE, Garry Allen 12-29-75 M W SO Y 10-30-19 1510 hrsDV Rape 2nd, Aslt 2nd$100000 c/s SUP
GLASS, Joshua Gray 06-25-85M W SO Y 11-06-19 1540 hrs DV Mal Mish 3rd, DV Hit & Run Attended$3500 c/s DIST
FTC Attempt to Elude NONE SUP
PATTEN, Justin Loyde 05-19-83M W SO N 11-06-19 1400 hrs Probation ViolationNONE SUP
GRIFFIN, Nathan Alexander 08-17-97 MW SO Y 11-13-19 1950 hrs Rape of a Child 2nd$50000 c/s SUP
ASKE, Curtis Scott 05-15-61 M W SO Y 11-16-19 0102 hrs Aslt 1st, Unlaw Poss of Firearm $200000 c/s SUP
HUDSON, Isaiah Zachary Jo 03-06-97 M H SO Y 11-22-19 2348 hrs Robbery 1st, Attempted Burg 1st, Aslt 1st$100000 c/sSUP
LAW, Joshua Scott 05-29-01 M W SO Y 11-22-19 2348 hrs Robbery 1st, Attempted Burg 1st, Aslt 1st$25000 c/s SUP
BREASHERS, Chad Michael 06-06-76 MW SO Y 11-25-19 1943 hrs DV Protection Order Violation $20000 c/s SUP
SO N 12-05-19 2041 hrs DV NCO Violation x 2 NONE DIST
WARNOCK, Apollo Gene 04-16-79 M W SO Y 11-28-19 0600 hrsAttempt Rob 2nd, Res Burg $60000 c/s SUP
DOC N 11-28-19 0600 hrs Probation Violation NONEDOC
THOMPSON, Sean Michael 01-09-99 M W SO Y 12-02-19 1715 hrs FTA Fail to Register Sex Offender $50000 c/s SUP
WOOD, David Leroy 11-16-49 M W SO Y 12-04-19 1800 hrs Child Molestation 1stx3 $500000 c/s SUP
WILLIAMS, Michael Anthony 01-05-87 M W SO Y 12-05-19 0918 hrs Unlaw Poss of Firearm 2nd$25000 c/s SUP
COLLINS, Clinton Wayne 09-14-85 M W SO Y 12-15-19 1853 hrs Unlaw Imprisonment, Aslt 2nd$50000 c/s SUP
STUBBLEFIELD, Timothy Wayne 06-20-77 M W SO Y 12-20-19 2256 hrsBurg 2nd, Aslt 4thDisorderly Conduct $10000 c/s SUP
MCCLURE, Justin Lee 03-19-96M W SO Y 12-21-19 2000 hrs Burg 1st, Aslt 4th$50000 c/s SUP
WALTERS, William Bryan Jr 10-26-93 M I SO Y 12-25-19 1445 hrs Robbery 1st, Aslt 2nd, Attempted Murder 2nd$500000 c/s SUP
BEAN, Garth Mason 10-01-91 M W SO Y 12-27-19 0200 hrs FTC PCS (Heroin), Use Drug Para, Poss Legend Drug NONE SUP
HANCOCK, Robert Wade 06-18-19 M WSO Y 12-27-19 2030 hrs FTA PCS (Meth), PCS (Clonazepam), Poss Danger weapon $25000 c/s SUP
Contempt of Court, Trespass 2ndCOMB SUP
DOC Probation ViolationNONEDOC RD 01-14-20 2030 hrs
KAVULYA, Yuriy Ilich 05-03-85 M W SO Y 12-27-19 2140 hrs DUI, Reckless, Hit and Run, Mal Mish 3rd, $5000 c/s DIST
Open Container, Mal Mish 1st, DWLS 3rdCOMB DIST
ROBINSON, Ryan Michael 04-20-01 M W SO Y 12-27-19 2258 hrs Harassment (Threats to Kill) x3, Disorderly, Aslt 3rd, MIP$25000 c/s SUP
FTC Burg 1st, Aslt 4th, Mal Mish 3rdNONE SUP
DAVENPORT, Marlon Deon 01-18-77 M B SO Y 12-30-19 2115 hrs Robbery 2nd, TMVWOP $50000 c/s SUP
Y 12-30-19 2115 hrs S/T Grand Theft, Agg Battery IDOC NONEHOLD
ZABEL, Timothy Seth 09-07-79 M W SO Y 12-30-19 2054 hrs DV Aslt 4thx2, Unlawful Imprisonment, Threats to Kill $100000 c/s DIST
Goldsworthy, Chance Wendel 08-02-71 M W SO Y 01-03-20 0930 hrs DV Robbery 2nd$10000 c/s SUP
GRAVES, John Joseph 03-25-63 M W SO Y 01-06-20 0944 hrs Protection Order violation, Trespass 2nd$100000 c/s SUP
SO Y 01-06-20 0944 hrsFTC Viol Protection Order, Bail Jumping, Disorderly NONE DIST
FTC Viol Protection Order, False STMT, Resisting COMB DIST
FTC Mal Mish 3rd, Disorderly COMB DIST
WARD, Tyrel Michael 04-15-82 M W DOC N 01-08-20 1530 hrs Probation Violation NONE DOC
CPD Y 01-08-20 1530 hrs FTA Theft 3rd$6000 c/s MUN
FTA Open Container COMB MUN
FTA Crim Trespass 1stCOMB MUN
FTA Poss Legend drug X3 COMB MUN
FTA Criminal trespass 2ndCOMB MUN
SANTANA, Jose Manuel 01-21-71 M W SO Y 01-08-20 1600 hrs FTA Theft 2nd, ID Theft 2nd$25000 c/s SUP
MALLOY, Dan C12-29-59 M W SO Y 01-09-20 0314 hrs Harassment Threats to Kill, Open Container $10000 c/s SUP
Weapon Capable of Bodily Harm COMB SUP
KENNEDY, JOSEPH JOHN 09-11-89 M W SO Y 01-11-20 2150 hrs PCS (Meth), PCS (Buprenephorine), Dwls 3rd$10000 c/s SUP
Poss Drug Paraphernalia, Poss Dangerous Weapon COMB SUP
[N 01-11-20 2150 hrs FTA Dwls 3rdCORL NONEDIST]
REED, THOMAS LATHAM 03-17-64 M W SO Y 01-11-20 2150 hrs PCS (Meth), PCS (Suboxone) 2500 c/s SUP
Poss Dangerous Weapons, Poss Drug Paraphernalia COMB SUP
Allowing Unauthorized Driver, COMB SUP
FTA Allowing Unauthorized Driver COMB DIST
HOLLY, Timothy Lee Anthony03-09-98MWSON01-13-20 1400 hrsFTA PCS, Make False StatementNONESUP
**MUSSELMAN, Margaret Elaine06-16-91 F W SO Y 12-14-19 1921 hrs FTC PCS HeroinNONE SUP
N 12-17-19 2300 hrs OCW FTA PCS Whitman Co $200 ℅HOLD
**SANGSTER, Melissa Inez 06-13-89 F I SO Y 01-03-20 1520 hrs Burg 2nd, ID Theft, Theft 3rd$20000 C/S SUP
DOC N 01-03-20 1520 hrs Probation Violation NONEDOC
CPD Y 01-03-20 1520 hrs FTA Theft 3rd, FTA Aslt 4th, FTA mal Misc 3rd$5000 c/s MUN
CPD Y 01-03-20 1520 hrs FTA Theft 3rd COMB MUN
CPD Y 01-03-20 1520 hrs FTA Theft 3rdCOMBMUN
CPD Y 01-03-20 1520 hrs FTA Theft 3rdCOMBMUN
**WEASKUS-GEORGE, Emily E A03-19-91 F I SO Y 01-08-20 0800 hrs Violation of Court Order NONE SUP
**SNYDER, Kelly Ann 11-04-59 F W SO Y 01-08-20 1600 hrs FTA Attempt to Elude, Assault 3rdNONE SUP
**HAZELBAKER, JORDANNA ROSE 04-12-91 W SO N 01-13-20 hrs Probation Violation NONE DOC
FLORES, David Daniel Jr 10-01-90 M WSO Y 12-01-19 1645 hrsS/T Vehicular Aslt 90 Days SUP
RD 01-27-20 1645 hrs
**HULETT, Kimberly Noel 12-16-87 F W SO Y 11-29-19 2300 hrsS/T Burglary 2nd6 Months SUP
RD 03-29-20 2300 hrs
MUNDELL, Nathaniel Jacob 06-26-83 M W SO Y09-18-19 1700 hrs S/T FTA PCS7 Months SUP
RD 02-08-20 1700 hrs
**JACOBS, Mithra DJ 11-09-81 F W CPD Y 11-23-19 0114 hrs S/T Burg 2nd, Theft 3rd, 9 Months SUP
Y 11-25-19 0830 hrs FTC Theft 3rd COMB SUP
CLARK, Robert Alexander 05-28-85 M W SO Y 05-29-18 2223 hrs Child Molestation 1st, Rape of a Child 1st $100000 c/s SUP
TINNY, Sean Lanny 07-01-90 M W SOY 10-27-19 1509 hrs Res Burg, Resisting Arrest, DV Aslt 4th, Aslt 3rd, $25000 c/sSUP
Harassment, Mal Mish 3rdESH COMB SUP
WALLACE, Terril James06-10-66 M W SO Y 10-09-19 1600 hrs FTA Aslt 3rd, Obst LEO, Trespass 2nd$10000 c/s SUP
DOC N 10-28-19 0800 hrs Probation Violation NONEDOC
NEWHOUSE, Justin Shaun 06-07-90 M W SO Y11-28-19 0543 hrs PCS Meth, Attempt Rob 2nd, Res Burg, Poss drug Para $60000 c/s SUP
DOC N 11-28-19 0543 hrs Probation Violation NONEDOC
RYAN, Jonathan Robert 04-25-01 M W SO Y 11-30-19 0500 hrs Felony Bond Order Viol, Veh Prowl 2nd x3, Theft 3rd$25000 c/sSUP PSP 2ndx 3, PSP 3rd COMB SUP
ROY, Nicholas Severn 02-24-70 M W SO Y 12-05-19 0945 hrs PCS w/ Intent $30000 c/s SUP
STANGER, Todd Michael 10-22-90 M W SO Y 09-19-18 1130 hrs DV Aslt 2nd, DV Rape 1st, Mal Mish 3rdWalla Walla $100000 c/s SUP
DV False Imprisonment COMB SUP SO Y 09-20-18 0830 hrs FTC DV NCO Viol NONE DIST
JANUARY 14, 2020
97303 ANDERSON, TODD ZAN 10/06/2019 13:35:48
251605 ARNOLD, WILLIAM RICHARD 08/13/2019 21:13:47
32547 AUSTIN, AMANDA JUNE 10/11/2019 13:50:08
126531 BABBISH, CHRISTINE KAYE 01/13/2020 11:20:10
272651 BARBER, NATHAN WADE 11/12/2018 00:26:51
107376 BASHAW, ROLAND SCOTT 12/26/2019 14:29:42
107699 BAUER-DEVAULT, JOSIAH ASHLEY 01/04/2020 11:51:18
234864 BENSEN, BRIAN DUANE 11/14/2019 11:55:24
276255 BERNSTEIN, RICHARD ALLAN 10/28/2019 15:00:40
2987J BIRCH, DORA MAE 11/09/2019 16:33:56
159255 BLANKENSHIP, STEVEN RAY 11/06/2019 17:14:51
84463 BROWN, CHAD RYAN 12/31/2019 02:02:06
4098J BYBEE, GREGORY DALE 11/19/2019 18:17:56
284070 CALDERON, GEORGE EDDIE 12/19/2019 16:31:04
125930 CALDWELL, DONYA RENE 10/21/2019 17:02:44
174190 CALKINS, DALE MELVIN 10/26/2019 18:13:38
10297 COMPTON, JIMMY JOE 08/21/2019 17:34:13
273667 COOKSEY, JOHN DANIEL 03/01/2019 14:55:50
146470 CORMACK, JOSHUA TAYLOR 01/09/2020 15:37:07
209648 CORNETT, DEVAN SCOTT 07/24/2019 03:52:40
1884J CREUTZBERG, JOHN LEE 11/27/2019 16:21:48
277968 CULLETTO, MATTHEW CODY 01/03/2020 17:18:23
223583 DAMON, MIKALA ELIZABETH 11/25/2019 11:24:13
284769 DECKER, CAROLYN ROSE 01/13/2020 18:26:21
143457 DEMING, DEANN CHRISTINE 01/13/2020 16:20:34
282028 DRAKE, ERIC AARON 01/08/2020 16:28:12
196857 DREWS, KATHEN DANIEL THEODORE 10/29/2019 01:28:38
105977 ENICK, JUDITH GERALDINE 11/14/2019 15:29:35
175241 ESCALLIER, COLE WILLIAM 12/30/2019 17:38:44
279640 FISCHER, AARYAN DEVON 09/18/2019 02:43:06
214356 FRY, JOSHUA JAY 01/13/2020 18:23:23
194637 GALLAGHER, JASON LEE 11/09/2019 12:01:48
284140 GOFFINET, JASON ROBERT 12/10/2019 22:02:46
283508 GOODNER, KAREN 01/05/2020 19:09:20
102645 GOWER, MICHAEL NATHANIEL 06/20/2019 23:42:41
91299 GRAYBILL, NATHANIAL SIDNEY 10/11/2019 10:50:59
259768 HAMILTON, RICHARD JAMES 08/15/2019 14:00:09
128198 HAMMOND, BRADLEY JAMES 10/05/2019 00:48:57
171165 HARDIN, RUSSELL ALLEN 10/17/2019 15:17:46
165087 HARRELL, JESSE WILLIAM 01/07/2020 12:37:15
223635 HARRISON, JOSHUA L 12/20/2019 11:04:21
262277 HAYS, JEREMIE RAY 09/19/2019 15:34:52
174572 HELM, DAVID CHARLES 12/02/2019 16:26:49
250076 HENDERSHOTT, ANASTASIA G 12/05/2019 18:04:25
169948 HENRY, RICHARD JOE 11/18/2019 17:15:12
261838 HINES, TIMOTHY DANIEL 01/13/2020 19:30:29
215194 HINTON, ALEX COSINO 12/19/2019 16:28:30
254853 HOWELL, JOSHUA ELLIOT 01/06/2020 10:56:29
102337 HUBBARD, CHRISTOPHER JAMES 08/30/2019 15:10:40
267761 HUST, JAMES ALEXANDER 03/19/2019 11:29:07
208472 ISBELL, ASIA IMAUNI 01/06/2020 23:23:29
186761 IVEY, NAETHAN MICHAEL 10/18/2019 10:51:32
250695 JIMMISON, SIERRA RENEE 12/22/2019 09:25:03
123657 JOHNSON, LUKE AARON 03/14/2019 16:01:56
226989 JONES, AMANDA MARTINA DAWN 07/24/2018 17:25:14
230753 JONES, STEVEN EUGENE 12/06/2019 21:27:09
159661 KARN, DAVID JOSHUA 11/20/2019 15:39:26 1/14/2020 7:08:20 AM
193115 KASCHMITTER, WILSON ANDREW 07/02/2019 23:17:55
54543 KAY, ROBERT CHARLES 12/25/2018 16:01:45
118214 KING, JOSEPH DEAN 12/11/2019 14:50:29
172498 KINNEY, RONALD LYNN 01/13/2020 20:23:30
283933 KRAVCHENKO, SERGY ALEXANDER 11/30/2019 02:05:59
168949 LARSON, CORNELIUS ROBERT 11/13/2019 15:00:00
50070 LEAVITT, KEVIN LEON 01/06/2020 00:44:48
252789 LLOYD-COLE, JADEH LEE 12/07/2019 03:19:01
269923 LOPEZ, ANGEL MURILLO 12/10/2019 13:49:32
224994 LUECK, JOSHUA STEVEN 12/18/2019 00:22:07
199779 MALTMAN, STEVEN JAMES 11/19/2019 21:02:02
131597 MARCELL, COLE JOSEPH 07/12/2018 18:05:37
71541 MAREK, JARED TYLER 12/10/2019 19:18:58
283143 MARTIN, LAYNE CURTIS 10/14/2019 00:48:15
250081 MAXWELL, DANIEL RYAN 10/21/2019 17:27:09
42856 MCCRAE, THOMAS GLENN 10/13/2019 20:51:09
378J MCLAUGHLIN, EDWARD JAMES 11/12/2019 18:37:24
87547 MCLAY, NATHAN DANIEL 12/27/2019 05:09:42
214882 MENDEZ, JARED ANTHONY 05/21/2019 11:42:28
119017 MILLER, BRADLEE DAKOTA 09/15/2019 11:29:04
249979 MILLER, ROBERT RICHARD 05/23/2019 22:53:12
279891 MILLS, YEKABOTSA ANGELINE 12/24/2019 11:33:21
206185 MOFFITT, CRYSTAL LYNNETTE 12/31/2019 16:37:56
90085 MOODY, BARTHOLOMEW ALYSSIO 11/02/2019 12:03:49
52417 MOORE, DEBBIE ANN 10/28/2019 09:41:15
276878 MORAN, KEVIN JOHN 12/30/2019 19:10:23
113024 MOUNT, COURTNEY MEAGAN 01/13/2020 14:36:12
103138 MUSGROVE, JOSHUA JOHN 12/11/2019 11:50:37
156683 NEWHOUSE, JUSTIN SHAUN 01/08/2020 19:57:41
145992 OLSON, HUNTER DOUGLAS-HENRY 01/09/2020 02:24:12
12891 PABLO, SAM JOHN 11/25/2019 08:56:44
170452 PAINE, CODY ALLEN 10/16/2019 15:31:01
231287 PAVILIONIS, JAMES JOSEPH 11/04/2019 10:25:10
281024 PETERS, CHAISE DANIEL 07/22/2019 19:10:25
152427 PINKHAM, CURRY ANTHONY 01/11/2020 17:28:19
186913 POPE, JONATHAN LEO 11/06/2019 17:27:55
230367 PRESTON, JOHN DEWEY 01/10/2020 15:00:19
184996 REBEL, DUSTIN LEIGH 11/07/2019 12:20:10
61655 RENTERIA, DANIEL MARK 04/27/2019 04:44:50
284136 RICHEY, CHRISTOPHER TOBAN 12/10/2019 14:05:17
261788 RIOS, RAMON SALVADOR 12/03/2019 18:06:37
35523 RISLEY, ROBERT CLARKE 11/15/2019 12:44:21
101784 ROBINETT, NORMA JUNE 01/13/2020 18:19:51
277289 RODRIGUEZ, RAMIRO RAUL 12/11/2018 23:51:59
63987 ROY, NICHOLAS SEVERN 01/08/2020 18:47:12
227176 RUPERD, DALE ALLEN 12/10/2019 14:04:08
248129 RYAN, JONATHAN ROBERT 01/08/2020 19:07:00
269842 SANDERS, MATTHEW LEROY 10/16/2019 23:37:17
240502 SCHLIEPER, RYAN KENNETH 01/12/2020 16:26:26
233760 SEARS, BRETT CHARLES 11/15/2019 12:41:42
284069 SEPULVEDA, FRANCIS ELISA 12/07/2019 15:17:52
106585 SEUBERT, REBECCA ANN 01/13/2020 17:56:01
158645 SHELL, TAYLOR SCOTT 11/05/2019 12:03:41
15355 SHERRILL, WARREN ELLIS 01/08/2020 15:55:44
254644 SHRUM, CHRISTIAN DALE 11/12/2019 19:12:13
284771 SMITH, ADAM TRACEY 01/13/2020 19:14:20
211012 SMOLINSKI, TYREL JOHN 12/04/2019 11:25:42
59922 SODORFF, KIMI LYNN 12/07/2019 14:56:08
80643 SPEAKS, BUFFY JO 11/20/2019 13:22:21
283736 ST JOHN, IAN SCOTT 11/17/2019 13:21:15
187613 TAYLOR, JACOB VINCENT 08/02/2019 15:55:51
98085 TAYLOR, OLIVER JOHN 07/18/2019 06:47:12 1/14/2020 7:08:20 AM
104515 TAYLOR, PATRICIA LOGAN 11/24/2019 00:15:48
268423 TECHEMANG, TY ANTHONY 01/02/2020 04:24:20
284773 TEWALT, ZANE GREY 01/13/2020 20:50:21
80911 THOMPSON, MERANDA MARIE 01/13/2020 16:19:22
62490 THOMPSON, MICHAEL STEVEN 12/18/2019 16:07:02
13052 THORNTON, LUKUS MIKAEL 08/24/2019 00:57:42
274175 TORRES, JASON ALEXANDER 02/19/2019 20:17:02
22949 TORREZ, MARIA DANIELLE 01/02/2020 23:39:46
54979 TOWNER, THOMAS ELDIN 11/25/2019 17:06:18
217933 VOORHEES, ALEXANDER ARMAND 11/10/2019 10:40:19
92793 WAGENBORG, ROBERT JOSEPH 12/08/2019 23:28:32
192678 WAKEFIELD, JOSHUA MICHAEL RICHARD 11/25/2019 20:54:05
221029 WALBURN, KALEB JOSHUA 07/24/2019 04:00:46
209968 WALLACE, TERRIL JAMES 01/08/2020 17:58:56
234705 WANTZ, SHELBY LYNN 12/02/2019 14:31:14
275526 WARDREP, ROBERT DANIEL 01/13/2020 19:16:12
204598 WATERS, BYRON ELLIOT 01/06/2020 09:21:51
59861 WEST, DALE BRANDON 01/03/2020 15:33:58
149550 WHEELER, LYDIA ANN 11/05/2019 18:24:18
163162 WILKINS, XANDER OWEN 01/12/2020 17:31:58
280512 WILSON, JOSHUA JOHN 10/19/2019 17:18:37
146420 WISWELL, RICKY JOSEPH 01/03/2020 13:47:17
122051 YOUNG, STEVEN KRISTOPHER 11/09/2019 13:07:57