The ScoopJanuary 5, 2025

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Jan. 5, 1965

Enrollment at Lewiston public schools was 160 students higher before Christmas vacation this term than at the same time in the previous term, Virgel A. Larson, assistant superintendent, reported yesterday.

The enrollment of 5,739 this school year compares with 5,579 on Dec. 20, 1963, and 5,491 at the end of the 1963-64 term. Average daily attendance has risen 4 per cent — from 5,264.8 in the 1963-64 term to 5,483.1, according to the most recent available figures.

Enrollment was 4.8 per cent higher at the end of 1964 than at the end of the 1963-64 term and 2.8 per cent higher when pre-Christmas enrollments are compared.

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MOSCOW — The 1965 budget is several steps closer to passage after Monday’s discussion of several items by the Moscow City Council.

Marvin Kimberling, city administrative assistant, said he expected the budget will total approximately $800,000 and he hoped to hold the public hearing on it by Jan. 25 but certainly by Feb. 1. State law allows Idaho cities to delay passage of a budget until 90 days into the fiscal year.

The 1964 Moscow budget totaled $735,135.10 but Kimberling said never to his knowledge had the city expended its entire budget.

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