SportsOctober 31, 2023

Anton Arthur, left, and Rachel Gall are shown with their medals recently.
Anton Arthur, left, and Rachel Gall are shown with their medals recently.Courtesy photo

This is the Tribune’s Community Sports Report, which appears on Tuesdays. To submit youth and recreation results and photos for inclusion, send them to The deadline is 7 p.m. Sunday.


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Local duo excel at East Coast event

Rachel Gall and Anton Arthur of the Lewis-Clark Valley-based Inland Empire AAU karate team traveled all the way to Newport News, Va., where they medaled in events at the Bull Moose Invitational tournament held Saturday.

Gall took first-place honors in 14-to-15-year-old girls advanced kata, adding a second-place showing in weapons and third in sparring to her resume. Arthur made his own bronze showing in 14-to-15-year-old boys advanced kata.

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