Soup is served by the Nez Perce County
Sheriff’s Department, Lewiston Police Department,
Lewiston Fire Department, Clarkston Fire Depart-
ment, Clarkston Police Department and Asotin County
Sheriff’s Department at the YWCA for their annual
Soup-Port Our Shelters fundraiser Friday in Lewiston.
The event supports survivors of sexual assault and
domestic violence through the YWCA’s shelter pro-
grams. Attendants voted on their favorite soup and
the agency with the most votes will win the 2025 Best
Soup Trophy.
August Frank/Lewiston Tribune
Venice Marshall looks over her options as she selects the perfect bowl that was hand-painted and crafted by community volunteers Friday at the YWCA Soup-Port Our Shelters fundraiser Friday in Lewiston. August Frank/Lewiston Tribune
The Nez Perce Sheriff’s Department loaded bake potato soup is pictured Friday at the YWCA Soup-Port Our Shelters fundraiser Friday in Lewiston. The soup was heated and prepared by volunteers from Avista before being taken out for local first responders to serve the soup.August Frank/Lewiston Tribune
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