OutdoorsMarch 9, 2025

Flycasters meeting to feature winter steelhead presentation

Chris Duke, of Pullman, will talk about fly fishing for winter steelhead during a Kelly Creek Flycasters meeting Thursday at the Hells Canyon Grand Hotel in Lewiston.

Duke is an avid angler and executive director of the Phoenix Conservancy, a conservation organization.

The meeting starts with a 5:30 p.m. social hour followed by a no-host dinner at 6 and Duke’s presentation at 7.

Visitor center slated for temporary closure

AHSAHKA — The Dworshak Dam Visitor Center will be closed through Thursday to accommodate staff-training. It will reopen at 1 p.m. Friday.

The boat ramps at Big Eddy and Bruce’s Eddy will remain open. The Dent boat ramp is scheduled for its seasonal opening March 17.

Dent Campground will open April 12.

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Construction will sideline camping spots at Dworshak State Park

FREEMAN CREEK — Several of the camping areas at Dworshak State Park will be closed until July 15 to accommodate the replacement of a water line.

The Kokanee, Osprey and Trout loops, the Aspen and Blackberry group camps, and the Smallmouth Moorage are all closed during the work.

More information is available at facebook.com/dworshakstatepark.

Elk surveys underway in the Blues

SPOKANE — Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists will be conducting surveys of the Blue Mountains elk herd through March 16.

The surveys involve a helicopter making passes over elk habitat.

“These surveys allow biologists to look at the elk in this area to determine the population size and herd sex and age ratios,” said district wildlife biologist Carrie Kyle. “We will compare this year’s count to population estimates from the last several years to determine general population trends.”

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