Who owns the world and why is that important?
In Russian nesting (babushka) dolls, sequentially smaller dolls are inside larger dolls. This is the same concept when trying to understand who are the real owners of the world.
The packaged food companies are all owned by 12 parent companies, such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Kellogg, and their largest shareholders are monopolies. These are Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc., who own a third of the shares of Pepsi Co. With Coca-Cola, the top shareholder is Berkshire Hathaway Inc. with Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corp., the next three largest institutional shareholders.
What about tech companies? Four parent companies — Facebook (Whatsapp and Instagram), Alphabet (Google, YouTube, Gmail and Android), Apple and Microsoft (Windows and Xbox) produce the software used in essentially all computers and smart phones. Once again Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street are among the top shareholders.
Want to take a trip? The same groups are top shareholders in Expedia, which is used to book a flight on the major airlines such as Delta, American and Air France. The major shareholders of the airlines as well as the airplane manufacturers —Boeing and Airbus — are again Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street.
For rooms, Bookings.com or AirBnB.com offer the same. Don’t forget the fuel for the planes or the aluminum and other components that come from their refineries, factories and raw material producers.
So for a single trip, we are mostly dealing with subsidiaries of Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway.
Want to purchase food? The major seed producer and the agriculture system (equipment, fertilizer) have the same investor owners.
Textile and clothing, oil refineries, automobile, tobacco, Big Pharma, most media (Trusted News Initiative), banks, insurance companies, hospital chains — well, you get the idea. The institutional investors are the ones calling the shots.
These four institutional investors dominate and they all own each others’ stock.
The first two are the biggest. According to the video by Tim Gielen, “Monopoly: Who Owns the World”: “The powers of these two companies is something we can barely imagine. Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on Earth, they also have substantial positions in the other institutional investors of these companies, giving them a complete monopoly.” Together they manage over $20 trillion of global investment. Some of the information for this opinion is from the video.
Blackrock is so powerful that it is a main adviser to the Federal Reserve and actually lends money to it. Some label it as the fourth branch of government because of the amount of its influence.
Dozens of its employees have held positions in the George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden administrations.
The logical question is who owns Blackrock? Right — it’s Vanguard. Its ownership is hard to dig out because the elites don’t want that information public. But there are good clues.
As of April, there were 2,755 billionaires in the world. Its logical to assume that they — the 0.000003 percent richest people on Earth — are the owners of Vanguard. This would include George Soros and Bill Gates.
Why is this important to us? Because these billionaires are essentially the World Economic Forum that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland to set world policies, including vaccine passports. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, manifested in the Great Reset (i.e. global takeover), is their work.
Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, states publicly that the masses of the world will “own nothing and be happy” in the New World Order because you will be convinced that serving the government’s interest is noble. He also said, it changes you by human genome editing — or transhumanism — making your modified DNA patentable.
Their initial goal is the complete integration of our financial, medical, job authorization and food rationing using 5G. This integration has and is happening in India, with glitches in the Aadhaar system (the world’s largest digital database) producing death by starvation. Some U.S. states already use the SMART health cards developed by the Vaccine Credential Initiative, which is to be nationwide as the Good ID Initiative.
Many believe they are the ones exerting pressure on private companies to force vaccinations on employees and on hospital chains mandating the withholding of life-saving COVID-19 treatments and firing medical personnel who try. For example, Sentara Healthcare Sytsems’ Norfolk General Hospital of Virginia suspended Dr. Paul Marik’s treatment protocol earlier this month. They also prevent accurate reporting of COVID-19 events and COVID-19 vaccine adverse side effects and deaths, again firing many who try.
Moderna will soon be releasing an oral, early treatment medication, Malopiravic, for COVID-19. The prices for this new patentable medication will be hundreds of dollars, while generic medications are pennies. Examples are Colchicine and Probenecid, which are combined for gout. They show promise for COVID-19 along with the antacid Zantac, Tri-Cor and Periactin, Pepcid and Celebrex.
Of course, generics that already work include the maligned hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Several sentences omitted from my last column are applicable here.
There I compared two life-giving women of conscience to those without it and noted this statement about stacked bones in the Catacombs of Rome: “You are alive as we once were, but we are what you shall become.”
Those using a classic psychological operation producing grossly exaggerated fear of COVID-19, affecting especially children’s lives, emotional and mental development, have no ability to see their own lives ending. And all the power and money they have accumulated will soon enough belong to other lost souls.
“Fool, this very night your life will be required of you; and now who will own all the things you have prepared?” Luke12:20
Independent thinking adults with an embedded knowledge of freedom who take a moral stance will not long tolerate being treated as abused children, let their children wear a microchip necklace for lifelong vaccination status reporting or be governed by despots without normal human compassion. They recognize the decline of previously inalienable rights is accomplished by weeding out dissent.
Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmolgist. His email address is rjegglestonmd@gmail.com.