There can be little doubt that the Latah County Republican Central Committee has completely lost it. The committee has joined Lewis County and Nez Perce County Republicans in censuring Idaho state Rep. Lori McCann. They should applaud her efforts to vote responsibly, but rather they seem to think her votes must represent the interests of her party and not her constituents.
We should applaud, for example, her opposition to House Bill 314. It is titled “The Children’s School and Library Protection Act.” It is noteworthy that whenever certain House members try to push legislation that should not see the light of day, they give it a lofty appellation. According to its statement of purpose, this legislation “requires public schools and community libraries to take reasonable steps in restricting children’s access to obscene or harmful material. A parent or guardian of a minor child who accesses such material in violation of this policy would be entitled to bring a civil action against the school or library for damages and injunctive relief.”
All we need in this litigation-happy society is an open door for lawsuits from folks who are offended by something in a book and seek to argue it is “obscene or harmful.”
McCann’s opposition to HB 314 was given as one of the reasons she was censured. The bill is completely ridiculous and unnecessary. We should trust teachers and school librarians to provide material that is suitable, relevant and age-appropriate. If they fail in that regard, they should be replaced. Thank you, Lori McCann, for your vote in opposition. In addition, Gov. Brad Little vetoed the bill for its “unintended consequences.”
The Latah County Republican Central Committee consists of leadership and 23 precinct chairpersons. There is undoubtedly a range of opinions, from a somewhat moderate Caroline Nilsson Troy to the radical right Gabriel Rench. Ben Beard, not a member of the central committee, testified in favor of McCann. He stated that, as a longtime Republican, he was appalled and shocked by the Republican Party in Idaho. He said that people can vote McCann out, but it isn’t the job of the Republican Party. Rench, however, in his remarks against McCann, said, “There’s inconsistencies across Republicans (sic) and I hope this process will bring back the Republican Party to its principles.” Rench clearly has no respect for the role of the voter.
I served as a Democrat in the Idaho Legislature for 14 years, ending in 2014. If you are wondering how McCann, a good Republican, can be defended by a liberal Democrat, I must point out that I did not vote for her. I simply don’t like to see an effective legislator treated so shabbily. Certainly, it is the case that among Democrats serving across the state, there was not unanimity of opinions on issues. There was no directive that we must vote according to “Democratic principles.” Sometimes there was a reason to stick together on a vote, but it was recognized that we were there to represent our constituents and each person was trusted to do that. Indications are that McCann’s attention was given to the needs of her constituents, and that was unacceptable. Rench thinks all Republicans should vote alike. It is a case of intolerance and ego run amok.
During my legislative service, there were many on the other side of the aisle who had my admiration. Rep. Tom Trail and Sen. Gary Schroeder, both R-Moscow, are two of them. Today’s Latah County Republicans no longer resemble the Republican Party of Trail and Schroeder. On several occasions, Rep. Trail and I would travel around the county addressing problems folks faced. Trail frequently commented, “Constituents first, party second.” Today’s Republicans would have McCann give her allegiance to the party first and that is wrong.
A disturbing incident during my tenure in the Legislature occurred when the chairpersons of two committees, Transportation and Agriculture, infuriated Rep. Mike Moyle with their occasional moderate votes. At the time Moyle was majority leader in the House. These two gentlemen were rudely relieved of their chairpersonships. The action was deliberately taken to be humiliating, calling attention to the consequences of their moderation in serving their constituents. There is no shortage of Republican leaders running roughshod over legislators who are doing their duty.
Republicans in Idaho have enjoyed a powerful majority for years. The result is that they are not at all concerned about accountability. They aren’t satisfied with their tremendous advantage. They want to bully their members to fall lockstep in line with their narrow views. We need to hold them accountable. Republicans in District 6 can begin by setting aside the actions of their central committee members and renominating McCann to represent them.
Ringo, of Moscow, is a former mathematics teacher and a seven-term Democratic member of the Idaho House.