OpinionJune 9, 2024
Commentary: Opinion of Cindy Agidius
Cindy Agidius
Cindy AgidiusALINE GALE

As things ramp up for this year’s presidential election, I find myself to be much saddened by the current state of affairs, not only in the opposition but in my own party. Never can I recall a time when such extremism in both parties seems to dominate the stage, when behind the scenes more moderate minds exist.

Let’s just look at the candidates we have in the two major parties: Joe Biden, a diminished, elderly gentleman, whose administration has operated basically by only rolling back things they should have left in place and then ignoring everything else. I refer largely to the rolling back of a Trump-era immigration law that was keeping our border secure and our citizenry safe. To accentuate dissatisfaction in the Democratic Party, there are the recent defections by Sens. Joe Manchin, now an independent from West Virginia, and John Fetterman, D-Pa., citing the crazy progressive agenda within their party, from the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to defunding the police and the antisemitism within the anti-Israeli movement as some of the things they say have gone too far.

Then we have former President Donald Trump, who, while I think may have broken some election laws in the South, has now been convicted in New York City by laws on the books that were never used before, who sat in front of a judge who donated to Biden’s campaign and was pursued by a rabid anti-Trump prosecutor. And people actually wonder why we have called this the “weaponizing” of the law?

Trump’s ability to raise $52 million overnight speaks to what people thought of that verdict. It seems the Democrats are helping elect Trump with their vendetta.

Recently, I was asked by an independent friend who wanted to know what I thought of Project 25 and Agenda 47.

I, who apparently live under a rock, had not heard of either of these things. So I have looked these charmers up and come to the conclusion that although they may speak to part of Trump’s base, many are so ridiculously absurd that I can’t help but shake my head at the folks who really believe that anyone can do such things.

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are a collection of some good and crazy ideas. On the good side, we would see immigration reigned in, and serious attention given to fentanyl and human trafficking along with a return to better economic and foreign policies. However, on the crazy side is the suggestion of creating “freedom cities” on federal lands and the “reshaping” of the American government by relocating tens of thousands of Republicans to the District of Columbia to replace current federal workers.

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The Trump government is encouraged to be investing in things such as flying cars, encouraging a baby boom complete with baby bonuses and recommending the removal of all free contraception. Makes perfect sense, right? So now those living in poverty will have even more children they cannot feed or clothe.

As you can see, both extreme sides of the aisle have gone over the edge with some of their ideas. An interesting statistic to consider is a recent poll by the New York Times that shows 87% of Republicans are still supporting Trump while only 76% of Democrats are going to support Biden. I guess the outcome will depend on where the independents land.

But let’s look ahead four years. Your involvement starts now to make sure we don’t have a repeat of the last two elections. It starts at the grass roots.

People have to quit being so detached about what is going on in this country. They should choose to learn about all candidates and make good choices in the primary elections.

In states such as Idaho, it is all about the primary. You can’t wait until the general election happens and hope there is someone on the ballot that you can get behind.

We can do so much better. We deserve better and we have to make it happen. That means sticking your neck out where it isn’t very comfortable. Without that kind of involvement from rational voters, all we have are fringe minorities running the show.

Agidius represented Latah and Benewah counties in the Idaho House. She lives in Moscow.

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