OpinionMay 12, 2024
Turnabout: Opinion of Kathy Barnard LaPointe
Kathy Barnard LaPointe
Kathy Barnard LaPointe

I’ve only lived in Idaho for 47 years, which I know makes me a relative newcomer to some. In that half century of living, working, raising a family and paying taxes here, though, I’ve witnessed a number of trends come and go.

By far, the most disturbing are the increasingly calculated attempts to harm Idaho’s public education system, pre-K through higher education. It’s especially disturbing when those attempts come from politicians who pledge to uphold the Idaho Constitution, which specifically mandates supporting public education.

That’s why I serve as chairperson of Idaho Deserves Better, the topic of a “cheer” in the “Cheers and Jeers” column in the May 3 edition of the Lewiston Tribune. The shout-out was amazing and appreciated, but I need to clarify two points.

First of all, Idaho Deserves Better is a statewide, multi-generational, grassroots political action committee based in Moscow. The premise of our work is simple: Help elect candidates who support public education at all levels and work to unseat candidates who don’t, regardless of party affiliation. It is much broader than a single candidate, although focusing on contested races in the May 21 primaries is a priority.

Secondly, our donor base is much broader than a single, signature donor. Currently, we have received donations — small, medium and large — from individuals in Moscow and elsewhere in the state. The one thing we all have in common? Deep concern about the future of public education in Idaho.

Public education is a top economic driver throughout our state, especially in Legislative District 6, which is home to both the University of Idaho and nearby Lewis-Clark State College, as well as dozens of elementary, middle and high schools. It is a primary employer, providing living-wage jobs for thousands of district residents, who pay taxes, buy homes and support local businesses. It is an economic spark plug, bringing in students who buy groceries, eat at restaurants and get the oil in their cars changed. And I defy anyone to name an entity that attracts more tourism dollars to this district than public education — just think homecoming weekend on the Palouse.

Public education also is critical in training a quality workforce for Idaho businesses struggling to hire the expertise they need in-state. Public education is the heart and soul of small, rural towns, from Mullan to Mud Lake.

Yet, despite all of those proven, long-term, tangible benefits, there are those who would have you believe the tax dollars spent to support public education aren’t worth it. Consider just two issues raised this past session of the Idaho Legislature:

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The movement to provide vouchers or tax incentives for parents who want to send their children to private schools, such as Logos School in Moscow, and reduce or eliminate their tax responsibility for public schools. This is especially damaging to smaller school districts.

Opposition to Idaho Launch, a grant program that thousands of Idaho families are tapping into for help with tuition and fees so their children can pursue postsecondary and technical education in key areas needed by Idaho business and industry, such as nursing, welding, construction management and information technology.

In Legislative District 6, Sen. Dan Foreman, R-Viola, supported vouchers and voted against Idaho LAUNCH. He voted against raising teacher salaries and providing new ways for school districts to address their facility issues. He voted against Idaho Career Ready, a program designed to enhance technical education opportunities in middle and high schools. At a recent legislative recap sponsored by the Moscow Chamber of Commerce, he said, “Education funding is a sacred cow in the Idaho Legislature that no one wants to vote against; I don’t have that problem.”

And education issues aside, he voted against funding to provide additional security measures on and around the UI’s Moscow campus after the tragic student murders in 2022. He abandoned one of the largest segments of his constituency at a time when they most needed the support of their fellow Idahoans.

On the other hand, Rep. Lori McCann, R-Lewiston, who represents Legislative District 6, has been a staunch supporter of Idaho education at all levels, a champion for Idaho LAUNCH and a vocal opponent of forgoing tax dollars meant for public education to support private schools. She understands the profound value of public education as well as her constitutional responsibility to support it in the Legislature.

As voters, we have choices and, in my mind, they are clear choices — get involved to make a positive difference for our state and its future or roll over and let a vocal minority dismantle our public education system piece by piece. I choose to actively work to support and protect our public education system and hope you will, too. Educate yourself on the issues at hand and the candidates who are running. Then cast your vote for those who aren’t out to undermine a bedrock of what makes Idaho great.

Don’t get mad, get busy. Idaho Deserves Better.

Barnard LaPointe is chairperson of Idaho Deserves Better.

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