OpinionOctober 5, 2022

Dugger misinforms

Marvin F. Dugger is panicked that his “orange Jesus” is leaking oil in public opinion polls.

Dugger spills the beans by linking readers to his extreme rightwing sources of disinformation, lies and conspiracy theories that he regurgitates too frequently on this page.

To avoid facts, Dugger attacks Hillary Clinton, who had the courage to concede her loss.

Longtime Republicans must cringe while Dugger misrepresents mainstream conservative values. His alignment with the John Birch Society and militant enablers of former President Donald Trump is the true threat to our democracy.

If Trump’s lawyers used Dugger’s lies in their legal filings, they would be disbarred.

Unfortunately, we are left with Dugger’s mendacities masquerading as thoughtful opinion.

Larry LaRocco


Grateful to Watson

Regarding the recent news pertaining to Dr. Alex Watson, I wanted to express my extreme gratitude to him because he saved my daughter’s life.

Watson was my OB/GYN for most of my pregnancy, and I thank God for him and his involvement with my pregnancy. Due to the fact that Dr. Watson kept a close eye on my daughter’s growth and development, he noticed some slight red flags and decided to send me up to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center for further testing.

Because of that, it was discovered that my daughter had a very rare syndrome plus a rare condition called a right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia. If Watson wouldn’t have sent me to Sacred Heart for his insights, I never would have known that if I would have given birth to my daughter at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, she never would have survived.

Watson was the only doctor who noticed the inconsistencies and acted on them.

I ended up being life-flighted to Sacred Heart just a 1½ weeks later and had my daughter four days after that.

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Because of Watson, my daughter survived.

People must make challenging decisions every day and, yes, doctors are held to a higher standard — for good reason.

But I am compelled to write this letter to convey the enormous honor, gratitude and respect this community has for Watson. He is a wonderful human being, and a great doctor.

Jennifer Kracke


Close the border

It seems there is a concern with the homeless problem here in our country.

The problem is in almost every city. And from what I hear, no one has an answer how to solve this problem or the drug use that goes along with it.

I have an idea that won’t solve the problem but will help in two positive ways: Close the border.

Every day, there are between 6,000 and 8,000 homeless people from other countries crossing our border when we can’t even take care of our own homeless.

So far this year, our border agents have confiscated more than 13,000 pounds of fentanyl, which is a poison killing thousands and thousands of Americans each year. All of it is coming across our border.

Close the border.

Save our country.

Steve Pogue


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