OpinionOctober 5, 2021

Tribune leans left

I must say that if the Lewiston Tribune leaned any further left, the building would fall over.

The editor or newspaper owner say this paper tries to be unbiased. In the paper recently, Leonard Pitts Jr. was so full of hate and prejudice.

He is still after former President Donald Trump with total disrespect for the office he once held. He offered no positive proof of anything he said.

Then there was the “cartoon” by Mike Luckovich that showed four horsemen of the apocalypse bringing pestilence, famine, war and death. They represented the “Republican governors”?

And then there were Haitians seeing racist policies in migrant treatment.

I don’t think anyone would object if people asked first before trying to enter this country.

All this news, to me, leans left.

I may be wrong. But like Pitts, I can give an opinion

Laura Stilson


Take virus seriously

I’m a native Lewistonian who now lives in Sacramento.

On a Facebook post from the Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport, a woman (Carla) is alluding to the idea that the Lewiston airport does not require masks.

I don’t know if she is affiliated with the airport directly or if she’s just a citizen leaving a comment to my question.

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Her page says she is a registered nurse.

This further alarms me to hear that a nurse would support not wearing a mask at the airport.

Airports have a higher risk of transmission than even the plane itself.

Idaho is featured in the news every day now due to the rise in COVID-19 cases. And this is all just disappointing and concerning. Lewiston and the rest of the state need to advance in the times and get serious about fighting this pandemic.

Laura Kluss

Sacramento, Calif.

Not buying it

With all due respect to Steve Pettit and Richard Scully, they have again failed to tell us why in the 21st century we had steelhead returns up to five times the 10-year average when only Bonneville Dam existed. The wild component was also larger.

This happened with Dworshak and Hells Canyon dams blocking the best steelhead spawning habitat on the Snake River, plus other important tributaries on the Snake and Columbia have been blocked.

Anyone interested in fish survival should visit the Army Corps of Engineers webpage titled “Fish passage through the Lower Snake and Columbia rivers,” dated June 17, 2020.

In the conclusion of this 29-page report, it states: “Fish transportation increases fish survival and helps them bypass potential predators and other mitigation hazards. Research has shown that transporting juvenile fish can provide the highest rate of adult returns compared to in-river migrants.”

This is the opposite of what Pettit and Scully would have us believe.

If you think that spill is the answer rather than barging, look at what has happened since 2015 when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration largely quit barging in favor of spill. The graph goes almost straight down.

Spill costs us an average of $40 million annually and balloon tests show no significant improvement in water flow a short distance below each dam. Now the Army Corps has to hire a person to shoot seagulls at the base of the dam because the fish are stunned.

Rusty Bentz


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