OpinionOctober 30, 2022

Winning by duplicity

The ugly possibility is Republicans may gain control of Congress — by angering duped constituents with misinformation.

Their “accomplishments” include former President Donald Trump’s tax “reform” scam. Paul Ryan and Trump stood in the House chambers saying every middle class taxpayer would benefit by $4,000 annually — all B.S. ...

Sixty-four percent of Trump’s tax cuts would benefit the top 10%, while the bottom half (regular citizens), would see nothing.

Trumpwhitehouse.archives says the corporate tax rate is 21%, a 42% cut, meaning billions in lost government revenues.

This emboldens Republicans to propose nothing on health care and legislate their brand of morality by forcing raped, 10-year-old girls to have babies. Birth control and same-sex marriage are next.

Conservative policies permit unsafe drinking water, protect gun rights of irresponsible maniacs who kill schoolchildren and push election misinformation.

At campaign rallies, the document thief does nothing but lie about 2020. His lawyers who told Trump-appointed judges many election fraud lies. And 65 times, these pathetic arguments were rejected.

This is the short list — call it delusion en masse.

Now, through reduced oil production, witness Saudi fascists sticking their tainted, bigoted influence into American politics.

Never forget — Saudis were responsible for 9/11.

Renewable energy is the answer.

Congressional Democrats aren’t quite as ignorant as Republicans. However, the liberals are sane and a far cry from Republican insanity — call it American exceptionalism.

Jim Roach



I’m writing to fellow Idahoans in an attempt to make sense of the barrage of lies, disinformation and outright hate-mongering coming from the Donald Trump wing of the Republican Party.

In its ongoing attempt to sabotage our country and its institutions for naked political gain, the GOP is now fear-mongering about crime, and is scapegoating and demonizing teachers, librarians, health care professionals, scientists, women, LGBTQ people, immigrants as well as our nonwhite friends, neighbors and work-mates. Any reasonable person would conclude that they have nothing positive to offer — just division, distrust and resentment. And all while they claim to be exemplary Christians. Go figure.

Please take the time to learn the issues and ask which candidates better represent your values, rather than simply pushing your buttons and appealing to our collective fears and prejudices. I’ve voted in every Idaho election for the past 30 years and am solidly convinced that most Idahoans are good and decent people, unlike many of the extreme candidates that win low-turnout Republican primaries and then coast to victory and positions of power and influence in our state.

Visit the websites of Democratic candidates and ask yourself whether they better represent your actual values, notably including freedom and liberty.

Chris Norden


Reelect Nelson

Moscow and Latah County have been represented in the Idaho Legislature by an outstanding series of state senators: Norma Dobler, Don Mackin, Craig Mosman, Betty Benson, Gary Schroeder, Dan Schmidt and, since 2018, David Nelson.

I’ve been privileged to know all of them, and Nelson is among the best.

He grew up on a wheat ranch outside of Genesee, attended the University of Idaho, and had a successful career in the energy industry before returning to Idaho. Nelson brings his business expertise to the Senate committees on education, transportation and agriculture.

Nelson has the distinction of being the northernmost Democrat in the Legislature. He’s done so with wisdom, common sense and good humor. As a measure of his ability to work across the aisle, he has been endorsed by Jim Jones, a former Supreme Court justice and Republican attorney general.

Nelson is exactly the kind of senator Legislative District 6 needs in Boise. He’ll continue the legacy of moderate representation set by the senators who came before him.

Kenton Bird


Vote Democratic

Republicans nationwide want to control women, books we read, how children are educated, who can run for office and anything else pertaining to our freedoms.

In Idaho, we are facing a well-entrenched Republican majority in the Legislature. Not only does Idaho’s legislators want to control freedoms, they want to be able to call themselves into session whenever they want.

That means they would have unfettered access to meddling in governmental decisions at taxpayers’ expense with limited input from Idaho citizens.

If you want to change this backwards Legislature, come election day, vote blue.

Vote for Democrats who will stand up for our personal freedoms.

Idaho Republicans are puppets of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, which means our voices are silenced. Republicans are “graded” by the IFF according to their votes.

IFF’s intent is to silence anyone who does not agree with its white, Christian, conservative views.

As an Idaho native, I have seen the politics of this state become as backwards as some of the worst racist Southern states.

Is that how we want to be viewed?

Come Election Day, vote Democratic.

Vote no on Senate Joint Resolution 102 — for our freedoms, our environment and the children.

Susan Westervelt


Fulcher’s a proven leader

In this uncertain, tumultuous economic and political climate, we need the proven, experienced, and effective leadership of Congressman Russ Fulcher.

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He has been successfully navigating the tricky waters in Washington, D.C. He knows how to work with people (even people across the aisle), and what works and what doesn’t.

Now is not the time to change what works.

In his years of public service, Fulcher has successfully fought to protect the rights of individual Idahoans and to limit government influence in our lives.

He has also passed legislation that has returned $800 million to Idaho’s hard-working families and constitutes the largest tax cut in Idaho’s history. Fulcher has served on various committees, visited more than 60 countries and has so much successful experience and leadership.

Leadership matters and Fulcher is a successful leader.

Vote for Russ Fulcher for U.S. Congress to keep Idaho leading the way.

Heather Moore


Crapo gets results

My husband is a disabled veteran.

In 2008 when my husband’s disability prevented him from working, we contacted the Department of Veterans Affairs regarding his service-related disability.

For almost 12 years, we fought the VA system trying to get him approved for 100% disability.

In desperation I contacted our senator, Mike Crapo.

Within three weeks, we had our determination from the VA: 100% disability with 12 years of back pay.

Our senator was truly a blessing to our family. When others turned away, the office of Sen. Mike Crapo was there for us.

Crapo truly cares for the veterans of Idaho. His office and staff immediately responded to our crisis with both barrels blazing.

Within days, the VA was calling us to make sure we were satisfied with their service.

I cannot thank the senator and his staff enough for all the work they do to help the veterans of Idaho.

Finally, here’s an elected official who really cares.

Maxine Byers


Lewiston’s baseball legacy

Baseball’s World Series started Friday with the Astros playing the Philadelphia Phillies in Houston.

Connor Brogdon, a 27-year-old Phillies relief pitcher will be playing.

He played high school and two years of college ball at Fresno City College in California before coming to the Lewis-Clark State College Warriors, where he pitched in 2016 and 2017 and had a record of 14-1.

The only other LCSC player to have been in the World Series was Keith Foulke, who was the closer for the Red Sox when they won the Series in 2004. He won 11 games for LCSC in 1994, and went on to pitch 11 years in the major leagues. In 2003, he led the American League in saves with 43 and was named to the all-star team. He is in the LCSC Hall of Fame.

There are some who played here for the professional Lewiston Broncs who went on to play or manage in the World Series.

John McNamara was a catcher in 1955 and then the player-manager for the Broncs from 1959 through 1962.

He managed in the majors for 19 years, including the 1986 Red Sox when they lost the Series.

Broncs 1964 player Tony LaRussa and 1966 home run slugger Reggie Jackson both were in the Series many times and both are now in the Hall of Fame — LaRussa as a manager.

Other Broncs who played in the World Series include Johnny Lee “Blue Moon” Odom, Dick Green, Dave Duncan and Rick Monday. I missed some, but enjoy the Series.

Dick Riggs


Reelect Swanson

Who do you want to manage your tax dollars in Latah County?

We want someone with a history of financial experience. We want someone who is honest, someone with integrity and someone who is innovative and efficient. We want someone who cares about local taxpayers and treats them with respect.

B.J. Swanson is that person.

Swanson is the current Latah County treasurer and she is running for reelection.

Not only does she have more than 30 years experience in banking and finance, she is a local gal who knows the county and knows rural Idaho.

We are impressed because Swanson actually cares about how much we pay in property taxes and has lobbied for fair property tax relief.

With Swanson, you get practical experience, a friendly demeanor and someone who is very tech savvy.

Someone with all this to offer is a rare public servant.

Let’s keep B.J. Swanson as our Latah County treasurer.

Vote for experience and competence.

We certainly will.

Bob and Linda Pike


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