OpinionOctober 25, 2022

Putting America last

President Joe Biden is allowed to stand before the American people and lie with no one in the mainstream media calling him out.

He just said the economy is doing great. Maybe it is for the rich. But for the average American, it sucks.

He claims to know nothing about Hunter Biden’s business deals around the world. But from emails on Hunter’s laptop, it’s clear he not only knew but was involved. But, again, the media gives him a bye.

Biden asks the Saudis to not cut back production on oil until after midterms so as not to hurt Democrats’ chances. The House Democrats want to suspend arm sales to the Saudis in retaliation. This sounds like quid pro quo to me.

Do the Democrats dislike America so much they are willing to do anything to help foreign countries ahead of their own?

They have had Chinese spies sleeping with congressmen and a president’s son? Or is it that they are compromised to the point that they have no choice but to put America last?

I want to see two or more political parties in the United States. I would just like to see the Democratic Party put Americans first for a change.

Dan Long


Changing boundaries

In the Clearwater Progress,Idaho County Commissioner Skip Brandt said he was advising a “group” of people wanting to combine the Kamiah and Clearwater schools, including Elk City, to form a new school district.

This has been talked about for 30 years.

Meetings began in March with Brandt advising the “group” on steps to follow to pursue the new district. These include presenting a petition for approval from a state hearing officer to both boards and a vote by people in Mountain View and Kamiah school districts.

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The Indian grant funding for the Kamiah district should be negotiated every year as new grants come available. A few years ago, the request for some of the funding from the tribe was not done in a timely manner and the district lost approximately $20,000 for the school.

Elk City Elementary School is a big money drain for the Grangeville-based Mountain View School District 244 and I’m sure they would love to get out from under this funding. The expanded Kamiah School District would have to run a levy every two years to support three schools.

District 304 in Kamiah and Mountain View School District should vote in a moratorium for five years and live within their means like all families that are struggling with these hard times.

This boundary change will hopefully be put on the ballOt in the near future so people can vote and make their own decision where they live and work.

Christopher Hertel



I am deeply sorry Patrice Yeatter believes my letter titled “Indoctrinating our children” contained “incendiary words.”

Perhaps she would prefer I used “brainwashing” instead of “infiltrated, indoctrinate and capture” to describe the actions of Idaho Conservation League’s use of our children to further its agenda of breaching the lower Snake River dams.

This practice of using a nation’s youth to further a personal political agenda is well established among dictators, such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler and the current socialists in our own country. It only seems appropriate to label it as “infiltration and indoctrination” as a way of “capturing” the hearts and minds of our children to use them against the rest of society.

As for the “disclosure of a 16-year-old minor’s name,” that was already previously accomplished in a story in the very newspaper Scout Alford’s father publishes. I only cited what was already disclosed.

Yeatter is correct. The issue of dam breaching is “contentious.” But the act of indoctrinating children for political gain is despicable.

Dick Sherwin


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