A leader for all
I was raised in a small eastern Washington village by parents with strong political viewpoints. Often there were spirited discussions, but occasionally there was agreement. One individual who both parents supported was Washington Gov. Dan Evans. He was an individual who listened to all sides of an issue and who treated all viewpoints with dignity and respect.
In northern Idaho, we have the opportunity to reelect such a leader. Sen. David Nelson is open, honest and interested in other’s ideas. He has served us well to promote good health care, education and good government.
It is my honor and privilege to vote for such a leader.
Mary Sherman McGregor
Going to pot
As a candidate for the Legislature, I would’ve thought that Tim Gresback had enough sense to not openly endorse breaking the law. So it was a shock when he openly promoted legalizing recreational marijuana in Idaho at the Moscow Chamber candidate forum.
How could anyone vote for a candidate whose judgment is so profoundly impaired?
The Legislature is supposed to carefully and thoughtfully draft legislation that benefits Idaho. Recreational marijuana use is associated with increased rates of schizophrenia, learning impediments, motor vehicle accidents, increased medical costs and crime — much of it at public expense.
It is not a direction that Idaho should be taking. We need legislators who are hardworking, sensible, and honest — not manipulative opportunists who twist words for a living and normalize drug culture.
Reelect Brandon Mitchell on Tuesday.
Sue Boydston
Voting for Mitchell
In a few days, the citizens of Idaho will elect our officials for the next few years. Voting allows citizens to express their right to elect the candidates of choice.
My concern is that many of us citizens have not studied many of the candidates. In my quest to make a choice, I have reviewed many candidates. I have chosen from the many candidates and made my choices based on the information provided for the different positions.
My concern is that some of the information I have received has been false and misleading.
One of the candidates, Brandon Mitchell, is a friend of mine. I have known him and his family since they moved into the county. He is a good man, intelligent and trustworthy, and I am voting for him.
He has been the focus of much untrue negative publicity. A critical subject to address is abortion.
The truth is the law does not put women at risk of death, and Mitchell does not want women to die. He believes in the sanctity of life and does not want babies to die.
I know that Mitchell has and will do the state’s business based on the U.S. Constitution and the Idaho Constitution.
He is there to serve you and wants to hear from you.
James Gray
Opposes vouchers
As reported in Idaho Education News (https://bit.ly/IDEdNews), state Superintendent of Public Instruction candidate Debbie Critchfield said she would be willing to consider a voucher system, which would allow parents to put public school funds toward nonpublic education. She indicated that this would not come at the expense of public schools. How can that be possible? Where else would the money come from?
Candidate for Legislative District 6 House seat A Lori McCann, when asked about vouchers at the League of Women Voters of Moscow forum, said she opposes them because they would take funding away from public schools. She said she would rather go for something like the “Empowering Parents Grants” program that the Legislature passed last year through Senate Bill 1255.
The problem is that funds for that program came from federal American Rescue Plan Act funds in response to student needs during COVID-19. Those funds — $50 million — were to be used for both public and non-public students to address learning loss and support at-risk students. However, since those funds will no longer be available, how does McCann propose funding a similar program without dipping into state public education funds?
I am very concerned that the next Legislature will again propose voucher systems that will take money away from public schools to support private schools.
Please vote for Terry Gilbert for state superintendent and for District 6 candidates David Nelson, Tim Gresback and Trish Carter-Goodheart, who oppose vouchers that take funds away from our public schools.
Kathy Dawes
Time for a change
Two years ago, she was a congresswoman from Hawaii, a proud Democrat running for president of the United States.
After 22 months of observing the divisive, pathetic Joe Biden administration, Tulsi Gabbard is leaving the Democratic Party.
She said, “ I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that’s under the complete control of an elitist cabal of war-mongers who are driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoking anti-white racism, who actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitution, who are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, who demonize the police to protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, who believe in open borders and who weaponize the national security state to go after their political opponents and above all are dragging us closer to nuclear war.
“Now I believe in a government of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead it stands for a government that is of, by, and for the powerful elite.
“Now I’m calling on my fellow common-sense, independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democrat Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that the so called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking the country, then I invite you to join me.”
Has Patty Murray spoken out about any of this? No, because she is a part of it.
It’s time for a change. Vote for Tiffany Smiley for Senate.
Bruce Crossfield
Elect Arkoosh
For 33 years, I taught American government students the constitutional principle of rule of law.
My commitment to students understanding that principle came from my travels to other countries where the rule of law is not the standard.
I hoped those young people would remember and vote to protect our state’s laws and norms while advocating for elected officials to do the same.
This general election, rule of law is on the ballot in Idaho.
Idaho’s Attorney General’s Office must be led by someone who has the highest ethical standard to ensure Idaho residents are treated equally and that the laws and norms of our state are upheld.
The only choice on the ballot in this race who meets these credentials is Tom Arkoosh.
Many will not vote for Arkoosh because he is running as a Democrat. However they should reconsider. Arkoosh is a noble man who has been endorsed by Republicans, Democrats and independents.
Dallin H. Oaks, a former Utah Supreme Court Justice, stated: “There are many political issues, and no party, platform or individual candidate can satisfy all personal preferences. Each citizen must therefore decide which issues are most important to him or her at any particular time. ... It may require changing party support or candidate choices even from election to election.”
No issue is more important today than the principle of rule of law.
I urge you to vote to uphold the rule of law by voting for Tom Arkoosh for attorney general.
Cindy Wilson