Davis is hard-working
Drew Davis is an asset to the Moscow City Council, and I hope that he will be elected to serve for the next four years.
As a member of the City Council, I have had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Drew Davis over the past year, since he was appointed to an open seat a year ago.
Drew is open-minded, kind and hard-working. He is able to listen to a variety of views on issues in the community and listens to community members from diverse backgrounds. His experience as an architect provides value to the council as we discuss development, homes, businesses and infrastructure.
Julia Parker
Vote for Hanks
I wish to address the August primary election which was held simply because three candidates filed for the same District 1 position.
Rachel Rinard filed May 16 at 10:26:23. Rick Hanks filed May 17 at 10:44:52. Dan Randles filed May 19 at 10:29.05. He was informed he was the third filing for his district. He was also informed that a primary had to be held. No primary is held if there are two candidates for the same position but if there are three or more, a primary is mandatory.
The cost assigned to this primary was $25,000 which is charged to the Clarkston School District. Randles’ action took much needed funds out of the district’s hands. This could have been used to start a “new high school” account. Asotin County has just delivered new property assessments to a fourth of the county. Public services, fuel and food are out of sight. His disregard for the amount the district will pay shows utter disregard for this community.
The Clarkston School Board is meeting to get a report from a general contractor regarding remodeling the high school. This meeting will also be performing an autopsy of the failed bond election. Money spent trying to get funding for a new school is affecting not just the bottom line for the school district but the whole community. And this $25,000 is not helping anyone.
If you haven’t voted in Tuesday’s election, ... please vote for Rick Hanks for District 1 ... Clarkston School District.
Alice White