OpinionMarch 9, 2022

Retain the park

Kerri Sandaine’s article about Asotin County’s Headgates Park quoted several sources on reasons not to keep it. ...

County Commissioner Chris Seubert said there’s really no reason for the county to keep it, that they “can’t maintain it. ...”

I believe it’s more a case of they don’t want to maintain it rather than they can’t. What’s to maintain? Grade the road once a year to remove the ruts.

He said the request was made by law enforcement and the road department and it’s only used by a few hunters during hunting season.

Wrong. We use it to picnic after we go shooting at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife shooting range further up Asotin Creek. My kids and grandkids also like to cool off in Asotin Creek below where the dam was. You will be taking away public access and giving it to private owners.

Sheriff John Hilderbrand said vandalism, underage drinking and muddy conditions were factors. Huh? Get rigs that can go in mud. You’re always going to have places kids go to drink. Patrol them. There’s vandalism all over our vast county. Very lame excuses.

Charlotte Tuttle claims WDFW doesn’t maintain its properties. Wrong — it’s Asotin County that cannot maintain the one and only park it owns.

Tuttle claims the Headgate Fishing Pond isn’t being used as it was intended. Wrong again — it was intended to be used for juveniles, senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Stocked by WDFW, it’s being used exactly as intended. ...




Stand up for the dams

I see Richard Scully (retired biologist for Idaho Fish and Game fisheries) and crew addressed the Lewiston City Council on Feb. 28, preaching removal of the four lower Snake River dams as the only way to save the salmon.

As usual, other factors such as increased commercial fishing, warming oceans, predators, tribal nets across the Columbia River, etc., never enter the conversation.

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That doesn’t fit the pro-dam-removal clan’s agenda.

How about the council meet with the farmers, irrigators,etc., to give their opinion?

Scully’s assertion that railroads could pick up the barge business is shortsighted, considering a single barge will hold roughly 120 carloads of grain and is much more environmentally friendly.

Of course, the environmentalists’ solution to the loss of hydropower is to litter the landscape with wind turbines and solar panels. If you think these alternatives don’t have their share of environmental concerns, do your homework.

The thing that really surprises me is the fact that the Lewiston City Council hasn’t already taken a stand to support the keeping of our dams. If I’m not mistaken, the Nez Perce County commissioners came out in support of dams some time ago.




A job for Joe

On Feb. 19, Kathy Hedberg stated in her column that she hadn’t realized President Joe Biden is responsible for supplying the nation with dog food. I assume she was being satirical.

But maybe she inadvertently hit on something that Biden may actually be good at since he’s failed so miserably at everything else. To recite just a few of his bungles: Afghanistan, the economy, unifying the country, immigration, the border, etc.

And if that isn’t enough, I read that the leader of Ukraine is contemplating employing nuclear weapons against Russia in retaliation for the invasion of his country.

Meanwhile Biden is picking his teeth and aping Josiah Bartlet from “The West Wing.”

Whatever happened to “The buck stops here”? If Biden can’t stand the heat, he needs to get out of the kitchen.



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