OpinionMarch 6, 2022

Where’s the proof?

On Feb. 20, Brian Rhoades — the Genesee grouser— exploded with venom toward Lewiston Tribune opinion writers, with special contempt for Richard Eggleston. Rhoades claimed the writers spread “proven misinformation.”

If Rhoades had cited a single instance of “proven misinformation,” he might have made a case. But he didn’t. Making war without ammo — not smart.

As no citation was offered, it revealed: a) the vacuousness of his attack and b) that his diatribe is only anger — perhaps because today’s leftist wackos are getting only 80 percent of their demands.

Rhoades asserts that because the Tribune prints articles by Dennis Prager, Marvin F. Dugger, Bob Hassoldt and Eggleston, it fuels “... the hate, rhetoric and misinformation that ... divides” Americans.

Color me innocent, but with no specifics of “proven misinformation,” it’s obvious that Rhoades is spreading misinformation himself. Any reasonable person would expect that, after accusing four writers of spreading “misinformation,” he could find one example.

Without evidence, Rhoades simply certifies that he relies on social media for “information”— not smart (See Doonesbury, Feb. 20).

The prosecution rests.

Nevertheless, one feels sympathy for Rhoades, who never protests outrageous lies and misinformation from Dana Milbank, Eugene Robinson, E.J. Dionne, Marty Trillhaase, et al. He is unaware that he has been conditioned. Result — he and his fellow conditionees accept lies and misinformation as truth.

Esau traded his birthright for a stew. Rhoades traded his critical thinking ability for a “good boy” and a pat on the head from the establishment.


Bridger Barnett


Writing for Biden

As a long-term Democratic voter for state and national elections, I was asked to write President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech as follows:

1. If major cities run out of gasoline or gasoline hits $10 a gallon, the government will step in to limit this situation.

2. If we still have many migrants coming over our southern borders, we will not build any more walls but make sure those picked up by Homeland Security are sent by bus or plane to major cities. We will allow the cities to pick up expenses of housing the southern migrants.

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3. If Russia attacks all of Ukraine, I promise we will not send any American soldiers into Ukraine. We lost enough soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

4. I promise the U.S. government will never use nuclear weapons against Russia even if Russia uses its nuclear weapons against other countries.

5. If the American and Canadian truckers decide to blockade America’s highways to prevent trade from occurring, I will decommission their trucker’s license for five years. With no income for the truck drivers, this should stop them from blocking trade routes.

6. The U.S. government will furnish BB guns to all city police forces to stop crime and shoplifting.

7. Effective April 1, all schools and businesses will be open to all those who have three vaccinations and wear their masks when going out of their houses.

God bless all Americans, including conservatives, white supremacist groups and immigrants with U.S. citizenship ID cards.

Herman Yates


Fish not extinct

Citizens for the Preservation of Fish and Dams have it right. The lower Snake River was never a prime producer of spawning areas for steelhead and salmon. Why do you think they named the Salmon River for salmon? It is one of the prime producers of wild fish.

The 10-year average fish count as it reaches Lower Granite Dam is not much different from the count at Ice Harbor, the first dam on the Snake. The fish count at McNary, the last dam on the Columbia River before the Snake, was 131,333.

The fish count at Ice Harbor Dam was 98,604.

That leaves 32,729 heading further up the Columbia and 92,712 reaching past Lower Granite to head up the Snake.

So tell me: Are the lower Snake River dams causing the fish to become extinct or is some group trying to brainwash you into thinking something different than actual facts?

If Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray study the facts, there are 22 hydropower dams on the Snake River. Fifteen are in Idaho. Three are on the Idaho/Oregon border and none of them have fish ladders. The four in Washington have state-of-the-art fish ladders. These dams produce more than 1,100 megawatts of electricity and water withdrawals that irrigate 3.8 million acres.

John McKern, a retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist, wrote in 2015 “Overharvest and loss of spawning habitat due to upstream dams and human activities occurred before the lower Snake River dams were built. ... ”

Marvin J. Entel


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