OpinionMarch 30, 2020

Insight about Trump

Just imagine if a foreign government solicited a U.S. pharmaceutical research company during a global health crisis to sell out their advanced research of a potential lifesaving drug to first and foremost benefit their own citizens. Does this sound like eerie fiction?

But hold on, this isn’t fiction. This is reality. The privately held company CureVac, based in Tübingen, Germany, was approached by the United States government to do just that. CureVac is getting ready for clinical trials and hopes to have an experimental vaccine by mid-summer. The former CEO, Daniel Menichella, was invited by the current U.S. administration earlier this month to meet with President Donald Trump, members of the White House and U.S. company representatives.

The disturbing fact is, the U.S. administration was trying to obtain highly trained scientists already working on this vaccine and they attempted to secure the rights to this serum for U.S. citizens exclusively.

I will leave it up to you to decide what this tells us about Trump. But most importantly, is this how a world leader should react during a global health crisis?

Coronavirus aside, educate yourself, use foreign news media in addition to U.S. news and connect with people around the globe. In the end, the truth of any action will come to light. We the people need to make our voices heard now before future generations of the world read with disbelief about this country’s chosen path in their history books.

Nora Fairchild


Definitely uncivil

I applaud the Lewiston Tribune for their efforts to “solve the civility puzzle” and improve “civility.”

I have always admired the Tribune’s policy of “we agree to disagree” and “we don’t agree but we support your right to say what you said.”

That being said, the following are quotes from the left on President Donald Trump and his supporters in the week following the start of the Tribune’s project:

l Sen. Amy Klobuchar criticized Trump voters “in the middle of the country” and she “wants to build a wall around those states.”

l Bloomberg News wrote “Trump is all in on voter fraud” and “Trump won’t concede a close election.”

l  John Oliver called Trump “an obvious criminal-sociopath.” He also said “This is a man whose first-born child was Donald Trump Jr., and he kept having children.”

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l  Leonard Pitts Jr. called Trump a “stupid racist.”

l A democratic radical posted this note on social media — “If I get the coronavirus, I am going to go to a Trump rally and infect as many people as I can.”

Those are not civil comments.

It is sad that in these troubling times when people are struggling and dying from a global coronavirus pandemic, some people and some media can’t put America first and pull for America.

Thanks to all the people who work at the Tribune.

Jim Emmert


Surprised by opposition

I was surprised by the March 15 letter from Joe Cladouhos concerning Senate Bill 1332. ...

Cladouhos had requested to visit with me regarding my ambulance legislation. During our visit, he never brought up any of the concerns he stated or that he was in opposition to what is proposed. ...

I should have tried to explain how government works, as he obviously has no concept about how to address local problems and get things done. His letter would indicate he does not believe citizens should be able to vote with regard to services they will be paying for, but rather that big government knows best.

Cladouhos speculates this bill was dreamed up as a means for the Idaho County Commission to offload responsibility. He asks: “Has it been discussed with those who will be impacted? How do they feel about it? Does it help the dedicated EMS volunteers who donate their time and money to train and serve Idaho County residents? ...”

SB 1332 was drafted with direct input from the Idaho State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. It was not proposed by the Idaho County Commission. It was proposed by me, someone who has seen firsthand how local ambulance services are disrupted when EMTs feel that they have no say in how the services are delivered. ...

Only Democrats voted against it. What does this say about Joe? Perhaps we have a true Democrat masquerading as an unaffiliated candidate for a seat on the Idaho County Commission.

Skip Brandt


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