OpinionSeptember 10, 2023

Taliban tactics

The many letters supporting Rep. Lori McCann are heartening reminders of what kind of Republican legislators represented Latah County before the county’s GOP was taken over by the Christian Taliban. (No, not all Christians are members of northern Idaho’s Taliban, any more than all Muslims are members of Afghanistan’s Taliban.)

Republicans I was pleased to vote for included Tom Boyd, who capped his career by being elected speaker of the house; Gary Schroe-der, who took pride in never voting against an education appropriation; Doc Lucas; and Tom Trail. Each exemplified the thoughtful, moderate approach to governance for which McCann was censured by the county’s Republican Central Committee.

And today, they would doubtless face the same inquisition McCann did. The missions of our Taliban, after all, don’t vary much from those in Afghanistan: subjugating women, scorning science, banning books, bashing gay people.

There were no such doctrinal kangaroo courts in earlier days, of course. Had there been, those in the dock might have included legislators like McCann’s fellow 6th District delegation members, who stood by in silence as she was denounced — Republicans Dan Foreman and Brandon Mitchell.

Why so? Both voted against the state appropriation for higher education, in the district that is home to the University of Idaho.

Jim Fisher


Help proposed project

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This letter comes with respect and regard for those who serve on city councils, as county commissioners, legislators, etc.

With that said, it is still important that people who choose to serve in those positions remember what their purpose is: ... to do what is best for the community ... and its citizens.

In the case of Weippe, our little berg has been given a breath of new life. The Cloninger family, who own and operate several grocery stores in the region, have invested ... in Weippe and its people by purchasing the lone store in town with plans to update, improve and enhance.

This is very significant to a town of 400.

The threat of Dollar General proposing to come to Weippe is not good news in that it represents low-end merchandise and limited grocery selection. Worse, it would likely capture just enough business to make expansion and improvement (big investment) of the lone grocery store less feasible — unlikely even. A town of 400 cannot support both.

It comes down to what better serves the citizens of Weippe and the surrounding area ... :

Local folks bringing essentials ... to the community or a regional franchise pandering trinkets.

If the councilors and commissioners truly care about doing the right thing, make the message clear to Dollar General: We don’t want you. And to the Cloningers: appreciate their commitment to make Weippe and Clearwater County a better place and work with them to help their proposed project move forward.

Greg Billups


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