OpinionOctober 6, 2021

Biden lost Afghanistan

The complete incompetence of Biden Democrats in withdrawing from Afghanistan is horrific.

First, they secretly surrendered an unbelievable deal with the Taliban and trusted them to let the U.S. peacefully exit in exchange for weapons and money.

Then, in the dark of night, on July 2, all U.S. forces departed Bagram Air Base and turned off the electricity without telling the Afghan forces living there.

Democrats left 3.5 million items worth about $85 billion.

The decision to drawdown Afghanistan so quickly with no U.S. military support was pinhead thinking.

A smart eighth grader could have planned a better exit from Bagram, rather than Kabul, and saved the lives of 13 American soldiers.

President Joe Biden had to send additional troops back to Afghanistan to withdraw U.S. personnel from Kabul. Biden and the military failed miserably.

On Aug. 31, the last U.S. plane left Kabul.

People we flew out of Afghanistan:

l 6,000 Americans.

l 7,000 Afghans who helped us.

l 110,000 Afghans we know nothing about.

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With chain immigration, Democrats will have a million new voters soon.

Democratic Marxists left hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Americans to survive the bloodthirsty Taliban. We will pay the Taliban billions for American hostages, Afghan helpers and global warming support.

After 20 years of war, Biden puppet masters call the Taliban “businesslike and professional.” The Taliban are now Democrats’ best friends.

Democrat revolutionaries really have to hate, and really want to destroy, the U.S. to do what they did to Americans and our allies.

Jim Emmert


Expose the censors

As a news outlet that supposedly upholds the right to free speech, you should be reporting daily on the front page who Facebook and YouTube are censoring — every single user.

People who simply re-post information, validated information, then get suspended from using a public platform that was literally designed to be a place for that.

When President Donald Trump was in office, anything went.

But now, nothing can be said to be in disagreement to the current government. This is the beginning of the end. Soon you will be given a list of what to report and what to say. Are you really OK with this?

If not, do something about it.

Chris Middleton


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