OpinionOctober 6, 2022

Elect Gresback

Tim Gresback is running for District 6, House seat B in the Idaho Legislature. I have known Gresback personally and professionally for more than 20 years. He is a community-minded person. He is also one of the hardest workers I have ever known. If elected, I have no doubt that he will represent the best interests of all of his constituents, not just a select few.

Gresback will also bring more balance to the Idaho Legislature, which is sorely needed, and work for solutions that benefit all Idahoans.

Gresback is also pro-education, including expanding access to much needed VoTech programs.

A vote for Gresback is a vote for Idaho.

Vote for Tim Gresback on Nov. 8.

Anthony C. Anegon


Agrees with Eggleston

I appreciate Dr. Richard Eggleston and his Lewiston Tribune column regarding COVID-19, as well as his courage to speak out. To be sure, other medical professionals would like to do so, but are not as brave or may fear retaliation.

As we live in America (not North Korea), we should be free to express and exchange information and opinions (cordially) without shutting anyone down. The information that Eggleston expressed (though I probably have not read all columns) is not unlike what other highly credentialed doctors have shared, such as stating that the drug ivermectin is effective in treating COVID-19.

All of us are probably aware that various drugs can have more than one purpose in treating illnesses.

Further, famed Dr. “Zev” Zelenko (now deceased) expressed he successfully treated patients with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin.

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There are many resources on the internet to look into regarding COVID-19 (see www.globalcovidsummit.org or www.daystar.com) with a wealth of information, including interviews with various physicians.

Some great books are: “Is COVID-19 a Bio-weapon?: A Scientific and Forensic Investigation” by Dr. Richard Fleming (Ph.D, M.D., J.D.), “The Courage to Face COVID: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” by Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators” by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin of Harvard College and “The Real Anthony Fauci” by attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Eggleston should be free to continue sharing information in his column and we (the people) also have the freedom to investigate and decide what we believe.

Ronda Granlund


Indoctrinating our children

According to the Sept. 23 Lewiston Tribune article titled “Speaking up for Salmon,” the Idaho Conservation League has infiltrated our children to indoctrinate them with the philosophy of breaching the lower Snake River dams. They have collected nearly 23,000 signatures advocating dam breaching with the intent of sending them to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

The Youth Salmon Protectors was started by 16-year-old Scout Alford, under the umbrella of ICL.

Alford is the daughter of Tribune editor and publisher Nathan Alford.

The Lewiston Tribune has consistently catered to the dam-breaching crowd with very little objectivity.

Parents should be aware of the efforts of groups such as Idaho Conservation League and Save Our Wild Salmon to indoctrinate our youth, often against the wishes and political views of their parents. If your child is involved in this scheme by radical environmentalists to capture their hearts and minds, you may want to speak to them about learning all sides of the complex issue of dam breaching before becoming pawns of those who seek to use their gullibility against their parents’ wishes.

We must remain ever vigilant to guard the moldable minds of our youth against those who would use them to accomplish their own political agendas.

Dick Sherwin


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