OpinionOctober 4, 2022

Fair is fair

Laura Stilson has weighed in, apparently because a recent letter of mine gored her sacred cow, Donnie Trump and the whole ultra-right firmament. As is common in the ultra righties who respond to my letters, she left out most of what I said so her reply could sound better.

In my letter, I made reference to the tendency of the ultra righties, whenever their lack of logic pins them in a corner, to start screaming “what about Hunter Biden?”

I have no brief to carry Hunter Biden, so my letter suggested the following:

“The fact is that, like all of the rest of us, Hunter Biden is not above the law. There should be a thorough investigation of Hunter Biden, within the bounds of the law, and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sentenced accordingly, if he committed a crime. If he did not commit any crime, then the right wingers need to shut their traps and move on.”

Let me repeat that for the cheap seats: If they can’t find legal proof of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden, the right wingers need to shut their traps and move on.

Stilson was careful not to mention the other part of my letter wherein I suggested that the same principal be applied to Trumpskipie, i.e., that there be “no ducking or dodging, and (he be) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sentenced accordingly, if he committed a crime. Fair is fair. ...”

Danny Radakovich


In praise of Pelosi

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi.

Our speaker of the United States House of Representatives made a bold diplomatic visit to Taiwan.

Taiwan is a country struggling to maintain a democratic governing under the dominance of China.

One result that Speaker Pelosi’s visit accomplished — open trade relations. And a multimillion-dollar trade deal benefiting Idaho wheat farmers soon followed.

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Stephen Ford


Vote pro-life

Since Election Day is coming soon, I hope that our country will come to its senses and vote pro-life.

I would like to quote Mother Teresa when she received the world’s highest honor, the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1979: “The greatest destroyer of peace today is the cry of the innocent unborn child. For if a mother can murder her own child in her own womb, what is left for you and for me to kill each other?”

If you read the newspaper or listen to the news, that is exactly what is happening today.

Sonia Blitz


Equal justice

Now our former judge is on his way to being punished for his crime. It was hoped and prayed for that the state would increase his time to a longer sentence, but they failed to increase his time.

The bench trial victims should have had a new judge and prosecutors who were neutral, with a defender who was licensed.

The appeals should be sent back to Asotin County for retrial.

The two prosecutors should be replaced with outside prosecutors and defenders. We need proper justice in the court.

Marvin Jackson


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