No questions allowed
Why was the second-most popular American comic removed, and its creator publicly scourged and castigated?
Those who haven’t quaffed the official Kool-Aid realize “Dilbert” was deleted because Scott Adams, its creator, had Dilbert’s characters speak truth about current events.
Why did Fox news dump Tucker Carlson? Same reason: He revealed truths.
If anything is anathema to the dominant elite, it is truth. Should truth enter the public domain, leaks must be plugged to prevent a cascade of revelatory information. (Recall the image of the Dutch boy with his finger in the dike.) If truths enter the public consciousness, some current BA (blind acceptance) degree holders might become curious, and inquisitiveness leads inevitably to questions.
Questions cannot be allowed. Hunter and the Biden clan are pristine defenders of America, and that’s final.
Eat your allotment of insects and go back to sleep, America.
Bridger Barnett
Pray for salvation
“If every church in North America (etc.) were to meet for special prayer (including standing in the gap for Israel and the Mideast), could unspeakable disaster be (and have been) averted?” asks Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries ( in her message titled “The Silence of the Shepherds” posted Oct. 17.
Jan reportedly received numerous, strikingly similar emails, such as: “I was very dismayed that the church we attend did not even make mention of what was going on in Israel on Sunday, Oct. 8. Nor did the topic arise on Wednesday night — though there were several mentions of the Houston Astros game.”
Had pastors and others not noted news reports of demonstrations around the country, even bluntly demanding, “Gas the Jews”?
Jan asks that we “set aside theology and pray — (including) from the pulpit — for the salvation of Jews and Muslims” and states: “May I remind all pastors and evangelical leaders that because of the Jews, we have our Bible, the prophets, the apostles and our Messiah.” In fact, “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22); and Gentiles are “grafted in to the Jewish olive tree.” (Romans 11:11-31)
Jan implores pastors to “not keep silent” and to urge the flock to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6) — which there is also a blessing in. (Genesis 12:3)
States Jan: “How odd of God to choose the Jews, but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God,” but spurn the Jews.”
Ronda Granlund