OpinionOctober 25, 2023

Defying common sense

I see in the Oct. 10 Lewiston Tribune there is an article about California’s governor passing legislation in the hopes of lowering school dropout rates.

Basically, under this legislation, middle and high school students can ignore dress codes, talk back to the teacher and use their cellphone in class and not get suspended for such behavior. In addition, you can’t get suspended or expelled for being tardy or just not showing up for class.

Once again this legislation is aimed at Latino and Black students who, supporters of the bill say, are disproportionately affected by these suspensions.

This legislation defies common sense. Why would anyone want to be a teacher given these conditions one would have to teach under? In addition, such stupidity does not prepare students for life after school.

Why any states would want to pattern themselves after California — and there are those that do — is beyond me. I’ll take Idaho any day.

Wayne Vantrease


Unhappy with sloppiness

I appreciate my (almost) daily newspaper, and dearly miss it on Mondays. But I find that lately I’ve been unhappy with the sloppy articles that make it seem like someone thinks that a spell-checker can do your work for you.

For example, in the Oct. 13 issue, the bold headline reads “Uniontown man charged ...” regarding a vehicle-ramming incident, but the story never mentions in what town the event occurred. I thought it was in Uniontown until I saw the mention of Dairy Queen, Mystic Cafe and Jack in the Box. It must be Lewiston.

Then there was the incident in Grangeville where a pickup truck had only one “headline” illuminated.

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I used to teach my daughter to read and spell by reading the newspaper. That isn’t such a good idea anymore. How disappointing.

Jody Favre


Stuck with Hamas

The Palestinian territories have an equivalent of our Democrat (ruling) Party. That party is called Hamas. Hamas views their subjects as slaves, useful idiots and living shields.

Hamas was voted into power by the Palestinians and now the Palestinians are stuck with them. Hamas is an utterly corrupt, power-hungry death cult, dedicated to the Islamic takeover of the entire planet. Slaughtering the Jews is simply one of their first objectives in their global campaign of terror and domination.

Palestinians voted these thugs into power and now serve as their sacrificial video props and human shields. This is why Hamas and their ideology must be exterminated by any and all means and at any cost.

For anyone who doubts what I say, read the Quran. It’s spelled out very clearly for all to see. Hamas are not extremists. They are simply devout Islamists, doing exactly what the Quran instructs.

Note to Democrats in the United States: A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Hamas and Islamic law (Sharia).

Be very careful. Like the Palestinians, you may eventually get exactly what you vote for.

J.C. Passmore Jr.

Elk City

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