OpinionOctober 22, 2020


Election letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday

Not intimidated

On Oct. 16, my husband and I were returning from a day trip out of town. As we entered the levy bypass, we noticed a Biden-Harris sign had apparently been kicked and partially removed from the rebar posts to which it was attached.

We pulled over and I got out and began to straighten the sign and reattach it to the posts. As I was working, a late model Jeep Wrangler drove by and a male in the vehicle (I won’t call him a man for obvious reasons) bellowed, “F...ing commie whore” as he sped past.

I would like to assure the detestable boy in the Jeep that I’m neither deterred nor intimidated. I will continue to stand up for what and who I believe in. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your filthy comments will never hurt (or stop) me.

Charlette Kremer


Embarrassed by GOP

On Nov. 3, Americans have a choice between a fascist-leaning pathological liar who reportedly cheated on every one of this three wives, and a Catholic family man in a stable marriage of 43 years. It’s sad that the race is even close. It’s sadder, still, how President Donald Trump has corrupted the Republican Party.

Republicans used to be anti-communists. Now Idaho’s Republican senators block legislation preventing Russian political interference, and Republican House members repeat Kremlin propaganda on the House floor.

Republicans used to protect the working class. Now they pander to the richest of the rich and do nothing for working class conditions and health care.

Republicans used to fight against deficit spending. Now they’ve created $1 trillion in annual deficits and have gone on record saying “nobody cares” about it.

Yesterday’s GOP implemented constitutional checks and balances to maintain congressional control. Today’s GOP has given Trump carte blanche privilege to wield dictatorial powers.

Today I’m an ex-Republican because today’s GOP is an embarrassment to its former self.

Paul Oman

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Supports Nelson

It is my pleasure to write a letter of support for David Nelson as candidate for Idaho senator from District 5. I have known Nelson for more than 20 years and have long admired his commitment to the community and to Idaho. He is an intelligent and hard-working individual who brings a fresh perspective and balanced approach to whatever job he takes on.

As a school board member, I believe that education is the best investment we can make and am always thankful for his support. However, his recognition of the importance of infrastructure — both roads and particularly internet access — is also important to me. Too many of our students have trouble accessing online materials in order to continue their education.

Nelson’s service on the Governor’s Broadband Task Force makes him very qualified in this regard and I am confident that he will work with other legislators to see that the task force’s recommendations are implemented next spring. He certainly has earned my vote.

Jim Frenzel


Money talks

Contributions to a candidate are public record and used to be of interest to the Lewiston Tribune. Candidates are now required to file monthly state reports so they change often. While doing my report, I sometimes look at other campaigns to see where big money is coming from. Campaigns are expensive so I don’t fault anyone for needing the money. It’s where the money comes from that is of interest.

Local names with large donations are of little surprise, friendships often dictate that kind of giving to a candidate. Names like McCann, Cannon, Alford, Aldredge, Bruneel, Doeringsfeld, along with Turner and Moss, are developed from years in office.

But when you see a donation to the Jeff Nesset campaign of $1,000 from the Lewiston Fire Department Union, then a follow-up donation also of $1,000 from the Boise Firefighters PAC, I get a little concerned.

What do these fire departments want from Nez Perce County? Or could this be from old wounds 10 years ago? We are not even talking about a regional fire or emergency medical service, but is that their concern?

We may never know unless the time comes to collect.

But do we really need Boise politics involved in our elections?

Doug Havens


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