Choose Labrador
It is disgusting how so-called Republicans are endorsing Tom Arkoosh for Idaho attorney general.
And, of course in typical fashion, the media gets their information wrong by calling these supporters “prominent Republicans.” Prominent when? Most of them are not relevant anymore.
Arkoosh has switched his party affiliation multiple times. Someone who does that is not transparent, is an opportunist and cannot be trusted. He is running his campaign as a Democrat and he will run the office of attorney general like any Democrat would: as an authority, mandate-loving, do-whatever-the-Squad-says totalitarian.
Raul Labrador is a fighter and that’s what we need in the attorney general’s office.
Labrador will defend Idaho against federal government overreach and protect our liberties.
Labrador stands by the principles in the Republican Party platform and the Idaho Constitution. And, unlike his opponent, he does not falter in loyalty and principles.
Vote Raul Labrador for attorney general of Idaho.
Heather Moore
Endorses Fry
I am writing to endorse Julie Fry as Latah County clerk.
I have known Fry for more than 10 years. She is very knowledgeable in all areas of finance. She has a degree in accounting from the University of Idaho. Her well-rounded background and experience include city government and running her own business. She has excellent customer service skills and is able to explain accounting practices easily and with confidence. Above all, Fry is transparent in her dealings and is a quick learner.
Fry will serve the patrons of Latah County well.
Vote for Julie Fry.
Rick Potter
Hypocritical Republicans
Republicans claim to be a party of pro-life. But once the fetus is born, they become a party of Darwinists, survival of the fittest.
Their pro-life belief extends only to the unborn fetus, the threat to the life of the mother and that of the surviving infant be damned.
Once the infant is born, it and the mother are on their own. If they can not afford food, shelter or health care, they’re not going to get it from the Republicans.
In 2018 House Republicans voted to take food assistance away from women and their families. The bill to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) would hurt older women, parents, children, people with disabilities and their caregivers, domestic violence survivors and low-wage working women.
Republicans say that the U.S. is a Christian nation. But their Christian words are without deeds (James 2:14).
In Republican legislation, you don’t find Matthew 25:31-40: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me.”
Jesus’ quote in Matthew 25 sums up the Republicans’ behavior: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites.”
Tom Fellows
Perverting Christianity
Christian Nationalism and people who call themselves Christian nationalists are anything but Christian.
They pervert the meaning of being Christian.
They do not understand or follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are all about themselves. They do not love their neighbor. They do not welcome the stranger and care for those who are suffering.
Jesus was about inclusivity, not exclusion. He called on us to love our neighbors — all of our neighbors: members of all religions or none at all. All immigrants deserve love, respect and compassion.
There are many true followers of the spirit of love in our community, our country and our world, whether they call themselves Christian or not. In the spirit of love, we welcome and respect all people.
Those filled with hatred are just a clanging gong. Do not fall victim to their heresy and hypocrisy. Love one another and demonstrate it by voting against anyone claiming Christian Nationalism and hate.
Teri Rust