OpinionOctober 10, 2020

False revolution

I think it was around 2002 when the Economist published a piece expressing surprise, in a British sort of way, as it realized a rising tide of educated economists in the financial sector were becoming interested in Marxism.

It was clear the big bankers were trying to figure what to do with this phenomenon. This was, of course, a clear affront to their rule. But big bankers are in it for the generations and they’ve had one generation to adapt, seed the universities and find out why the kids are rebelling. If they were to join the rebellion, they could influence it in a way that would leave them relatively unscathed.

Besides, they might enjoy minor amounts of blowback; some parents are proud of their bad kids.

That was 18 years ago. It takes a generation for an ethic to take hold in society. As this seed bares its fruit — remember, the manifestations in human resources departments, on streets and what has filtered into polite society was not an accident.

This is the false revolution to stop a real revolution. This amounts to big bankers buying wholesale the commercial properties of the 60 percent of small businesses that won’t reopen. This is another orchestrated swipe at private ownership for the investment class that in the last six months has experienced the greatest upward transfer of wealth in the history of the United States. Do some people think this administration is populist? Come on, man. Both candidates will eat your lunch.

Chris Rousseau


Reelect Ridge

I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to reelect Judy Ridge to the board of commissioners of Asotin County Public Utility District.

I serve as a commissioner of Mason County PUD No. 1. As a fellow PUD commissioner, I have had the opportunity to work directly with Ridge and observe her enthusiasm in protecting the rights of the customers she serves. Ridge is informed and engaged with organizations that protect and support utilities such as Asotin County PUD. And she works with other member utilities to investigate and pursue opportunities for low-cost, reliable utility services.

Ridge has the knowledge and experience to lead your utility into the future.

We face challenges now and in the future that will place demands on your utility. These challenges include meeting water laws, water rights and legislative issues that could have a negative outcome for you and your utility. These challenges will require a commissioner who has the knowledge and experience to understand the complexity of issues and the wherewithal to address them.

It’s paramount to the owners and customers of Asotin PUD that you have proven leadership during these times. Please reelect Judy Ridge as your commissioner to Asotin County PUD.

Jack Janda

Hoodsport, Wash.

Was it karma?

I would never wish COVID-19 on anyone, not even my greatest enemies. I wish the president and first lady a speedy recovery.

However, it is worth pointing out that the president was aware of the severity of the pandemic from the beginning, as we learned in Bob Woodward’s interview tapes with President Donald Trump.

Despite this, he spent months downplaying the virus, mocking the use of face masks, promoting unsubstantiated “miracle” cures, attacking governors who followed experts’ advice, and publicly attacking scientists and experts, while privately knowing how serious it was all along.

In addition, he continued holding public rallies, with no face mask requirement or social distancing in effect. Because of his lack of action, the U.S has the highest number of COVID-19 cases and death count in the world, with more than 7 million infected and more than 210,000 of our fellow citizens dead, as well as one of the world’s highest death rates. And now the president has been hospitalized. Is it karma? Is it a lesson from a higher power? Or is it just by chance? Whatever the reason may be, I hope that the president and his supporters think about what has happened, and commit to following scientific advice over emotional pleas about the government supposedly violating their rights because of a face mask policy.

Wyatt Coil


Elect Love

While visiting with fellow community members, I have found that people are frustrated with the same problems resurfacing again and again because we don’t have enough representatives in Boise who truly want to find solutions. We need a diverse group of representatives who can and will do the research, identify possible strategies to solve problems and then be able to clearly communicate with others to find common ground and build upon that collaboration to develop and implement solutions.

Renee Love is just such a person.

During my years of living in Latah County, I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most resilient, hard-working people who are doing the very best they can with what they have to work with.

We are all vulnerable to unexpected events that change our circumstances. Often challenges for people continue because our resources and structures do not provide them with the tools they need to move forward. These resources include education and job training, access to food, affordable housing and access to health care, to name a few.

Love, who is a business owner and educator, will hear her constituents’ voices, do her research and contribute to productive conversations that will result in opportunities for Idahoans to provide for their needs.

A vote for Renee Love is a vote for a better Idaho for all. Please visit reneeloveforidaho.com for more insight as to how she will represent you, and then vote for Renee.

Lynn Weaver


Icebergs ahead

A tragic shipwreck is ahead if we elect Joe Biden president. All of the following are icebergs.

Biden said, “Funding should absolutely be redirected away from police.”

Kamala Harris has portrayed white people as the group that needs to be disadvantaged for other groups in America to succeed.

We do not have systemic racism in America, but we do have systemic Democratic violence.

The Democrat Los Angeles health director stated, “Schools will remain closed until after the election.” Democrats are messing with children’s educations for political reasons.

Antifa is lighting fires in California. Wildfires are a good way to destroy many white people’s homes.

An antifa media platform wrote, “Looting is an effective means of wealth redistribution.”

A poster in the Seattle “Autonomous Zone” stated, “Oh, you thought I just wanted to defund the police? This whole system needs to go.”

One of the leaders of the Seattle “Autonomous Zone” said, “You cannot rebuild until you break it all the way down. I’m letting people know what comes next.”

An antifa radical from Maryland tweeted, “This isn’t protest. This is rebellion. When rebellion gets organized we get revolution.”

A Gatestone Institute paper stated that the organization Black Lives Matter seeks to transform the USA into a “communist world order.”

Marxist BLM leaders openly admit they want to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and capitalism.

Hey, moderate Democrats, are you watching and listening regarding people in your party?

Please vote to avoid Titanic icebergs and save democracy.

Jim Emmert


Paid her own way

... I came out to Washington in 2008 on a tourist visa to spend three months with a close friend. My now wife was at that time sickly but functional despite having had a stroke years earlier. During those months, my wife and I fell deeply in love and I deliberately overstayed my visa. We married in February 2009 in Asotin. Even though we couldn’t afford to make me legal, we have never taken a dime out of the state or federal system other than what my wife was entitled to as a U.S. citizen.

Over the years, my wife became totally dependent upon 24/7 care and we have managed to get me legal. Since my wife became dependent on a full-time care-giver, again, we have not abused the system. By me providing her care, it has definitely saved Medicare and Medicaid many tens of thousands of dollars as she was able to stay at home instead of being admitted to a nursing home.

So to any detractors who see “illegal” immigration as a bad thing, I ask you: If I hadn’t overstayed my visa and lived undocumented for five years before we had the cash to make me legal, would you have been happy to see my wife take all that money out of Medicare and Medicaid as long as I had been deported? ...

I am living proof that not all people who overstay their visa deserve to be castigated by the right wing haters.

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Jennifer Walker


Not that simple

In an ideal world, every fertilized human egg would be planned for, healthy and born to mothers fully supported with maternity leave, health care, financial health and child care. Nobody wants women using deadly measures to terminate an unplanned pregnancy as they did prior to the avenue provided by the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.

Often, I find those with the strictest anti-abortion leanings have never studied the issue, never read the Supreme Court findings, never considered the issue’s multi-cultural history, the long-term effects on society and human psychology of indentured servitude and poverty or the science of human biology. This is lazy ethics.

Protestants were not initially opposed to Roe v. Wade. Norman Geisler, leader on Christian ethics and an evangelical scholar, argued that abortion was not murder because the fetus was not a viable human being. Abortion became politicians’ tool for votes in the 1980s.

Many world religions ... equate life with breath. This is sensible because a human heart beat can be produced in a petri dish. It is false to claim that breathing babies are murdered in the delivery room.

It is the grossest government overreach into uterine content. It is a private matter between a woman, her family and her physician. The truth is sperm is the cause of pregnancy 100 percent of the time. People who really care about eliminating abortions should be advocating ... vasectomies and development of sperm-eliminating pharmaceuticals.

Also consider the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits indentured servitude.

Janet Marugg


Just ask Joe

Wow another county zinger against Sheriff Joe Rodriguez from the county’s prosecutor, Justin Coleman. How convenient just before election. The reason why? Because Rodriguez will not be a county puppet.

He’s been in office long enough to see how the county conducts business, protecting the good old boys club.

The county wants control of all employees. Being puppet masters and not having the control is not how the county wants to do business.

The sheriff’s office is the law, not the county attorney.

Why are the county and past disgruntled employees trying so hard to get rid of Rodriguez?

Because he knows the truth about the county and how they conduct business.

All the rumors, lies, not telling the whole truth and trying to cut Rodriguez off at the knees is part of the smoke screen.

If you want to know, just ask Joe.

With all the bad press, negativity and everything that has got thrown at him, he has not wavered and has stood tall. With the election and rumors about turmoil and civil unrest, I want a sheriff in office who knows the system and the people. I don’t want to start over from scratch.

Just because Rodriguez is not going to play the county’s game on who’s in control is no reason to get rid of him.

It’s what they are not saying the voters need to worry about. But, again, that is how politics work.

Barry Schultz


Details missing

I was sad to see the article on the Lewiston City Council meeting about the mask advisory and the way the writer left out important information.

One woman who spoke before the council shared that her friend died because she wore the mask at work and the autopsy report said it was from carbon dioxide poisoning.

One man prayed a blessing over the council and that they would have godly wisdom.

I shared that an advisory order would make it illegal for grandparents to be close to their own grandchildren (in any public place, with non-household members as the advisory order clearly stated) without masks.

Another man asked the council where is the line drawn between church and state. These orders would prohibit being able to worship God freely. Many people brought statistics, studies and constitutional reasons why having a mask order is wrong.

Also City Manager Alan Nygaard said he appreciated the way the people who came to the meeting handled themselves. I appreciate the council for listening to what we all had to say on the matter and for the decision that was made.

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We should not fear anything, except fear the Lord, for he is able to destroy both body and soul in hell.

Kayla Bedard


Lamar gets it done

Tom Lamar brings people together and gets stuff done. His collegiality is legendary among colleagues and former colleagues in local government, regardless of party. You’ll see what we mean when his campaign ad with supporters’ names is published.

Lamar is grounded. He builds consensus by being trustworthy and laying out plainspoken rational strategies for success. He meets people easily and respectfully. More than once, we’ve seen him stop to help total strangers with bicycle repairs along the roadway, and collect leftover food from a banquet to distribute among people on the street.

Lamar is joyful, and inspires others to find positivity too. In his capacity as Latah County commissioner, Lamar is recognized as a leader in the Idaho Association of Counties, and represents our region and its residents with dignity at regional and national meetings.

Lamar walks the talk. He is an advocate and role model for healthy, active lifestyles, community volunteerism and giving a listening ear and helping hand to people who need it.

In short, he is an ideal public servant, who sees government as a vehicle for improving lives, enhancing working relationships for better efficiency and supporting equality, transparency and opportunities for everyone.

Latah County benefits from his good work. Please join us in reelecting Tom Lamar Latah County commissioner.

Nancy Chaney and Gary Bryan



Great God in heaven. That’s an exclamation and a prayer all in one. Our fearless leader, President Donald Trump, is angry because a private American company has a dress code that doesn’t allow political or other statements worn on shirts or hats at work. Management informed workers they can’t wear MAGA hats to work. Sounds proper. It would avoid food fights in the cafeteria.

Trump busied himself with this and declared we should not buy products from this tire company. Wow.

This is so out of line and an illegal use of the throne. Now, all this makes me think of other hat logos:

l MANA (Make America Nice Again).

l MARA (Make America Respectable Again).

l MAMA (Make America More Again).

l How about MMAD (Make Mine A Double)?

Over and out.

Jacqueline Forsmann


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