OpinionNovember 29, 2023

Time for change

Is anyone surprised at the thousands of people protesting in support of the Palestinian people and the Hamas militants, both of whom have called for death to America and extinction of Israel?

These are not peaceful events, and I’m not surprised. I’m also not sure how many of the protesters in America are U.S. citizens, or foreign students, those of refugee status or illegal immigrants. It appears that 320 million people in this country are also not protesting, a narrative the liberal media does not want you hear or see.

After a couple of generations of our younger people being exposed to indoctrination by liberal colleges steering them away from traditional American values, allegiance to country, accurate history and the power of debate, I can see those citizens supporting terrorists. Unfortunately, generations of activists-in-waiting have replaced honorable and much needed professions.

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If the protestors are foreign students or refugees here temporarily, then they should be sent back to their homelands immediately. Those here illegally need to be deported, never allowed to return. When recognizing “true evil” becomes difficult in a society, it is time to make changes, starting with leadership, then academia, then immigration.

Why haven’t the supporters of Palestinian people been protesting in Iran the last 15 years? Once Hamas got a foothold in Gaza, it was clear that they were terrorists and Iran, not America or Israel, would dictate the fate of the Palestinians. So why protest here? Because they would be killed or put in prison in Iran.

David Klatt


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