OpinionMay 19, 2024

Consider humility

I was born in Lewiston and was raised in Kooskia. Now I am a rising senior at the University of Idaho.

The murders of Xana Kernodle, Ethan Chapin, Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen on Nov. 13, 2022, was one of the worst days of my life, as it was for many of my friends.

In April 2023, I attended the Lincoln Day Dinner where I was fortunate to talk to Republican leaders from Latah County. At this event, I ran into Sen. Dan Foreman. I introduced myself as a University of Idaho student and eventually the events of November 2022 were brought up. Instead of giving condolences or using it as an opportunity to ask how a large constituent base of his was healing after a tragedy, Sen. Foreman used this as an invitation to assert that the actions made by the university were a misuse of government funds and that students should’ve taken personal responsibility for their safety.

Not only was this reaction aggressive, it lacked a deep sense of awareness of the situation at hand. I was dumbfounded.

I feel a responsibility to share this interaction with Foreman for a simple reason: Compassion should still exist in Idaho politics, and I truly believe it does.

This primary, I urge you to consider the humility of the people you are voting for in addition to their politics. The Idaho I was born and raised in does not reflect the aggression and lack of compassion that Dan Foreman exhibits.

Martha Smith


Bennett is a fighter

When considering your vote for the Legislative District 6A primary, there is only one truly conservative choice, and that is Colton Bennett.

Colton has been endorsed by the District 6 Republican Central Committee, by an overwhelming vote of precinct committeemen and committeewomen from Latah, Nez Perce and Lewis counties. He has also been endorsed by the Lewis and Nez Perce County Republican Central committees, along with several other organizational endorsements, as well as several prominent conservative leaders. Colton is a father, husband and veteran who will fight for conservative values in Boise unlike the incumbent.

I have spoken with both challengers to the incumbent at length and Colton is the clear choice. Colton is passionate about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the words of our Founding Fathers and will defend our liberty. Colton is adamantly opposed to the removal of the Snake River dams and the federal overreach we all see on a daily basis. He has called to deliver a permanent property tax cut by lowering the maximum rate of annual tax increase set by the Legislature. He also supports expanding and increasing the homeowner’s exemption.

Colton is 100% pro-life, 100% pro-Second Amendment and will fight to lower taxes and protect liberty. In my opinion, he is the only candidate in the District 6A race that will adhere to the Republican platform. I want to send a fighter to Boise and that fighter is Colton Bennett.

Brian Bomar


Support Colton Bennett

I am a precinct committeeperson in Legislative District 6, writing in full support of Republican Colton Bennett for state representative Seat A.

Colton impressed me from the moment I first met him with his confidence and knowledge of both the U.S. and Idaho constitutions, his support of the Second Amendment and our personal liberties, as well as a pre-born’s right to life. He supports a permanent property tax cut, Idaho’s self-sufficiency in terms of energy and opposes all forms of federal overreach. Colton also believes in strong family values, parental rights and school choice.

As chairperson of the rating and vetting committee for District 6 Republican Central Committee this year, I had the opportunity to interview all the candidates running against the incumbent for this position, and I felt by far Colton represented all the Idaho Republican values. His youth, knowledge and passion for this country is his strength and his conservative values are true as opposed to those who pretend to be a conservative Republican, but really are nothing but a Republican in name only front for Democrat ideology or bought and paid for by big money to do their bidding.

We need to elect those who have the strength of character to lead and to represent those who elect them, who hold the Constitution as a guide through times wrought with attacks on our liberties and American values. I support Colton Bennett 100% and ask that you vote for him, too.

Debra Idso


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Harris, Dunn, Bennett

After serving for eight sessions in the Idaho Legislature, I can assure you, government is out of control, treating your tax dollars like they are a toy to play with.

Idaho has grown its budget more than 50% in six years, with no semblance of slowing down.

I’m endorsing Kyle Harris, Larry Dunn and Colton Bennett. These gentlemen have the best shot at reigning in the bloated bureaucracy that we have created.

Please give them your vote Tuesday.

Thank you.

Mike Kingsley


Vote for Shepherd

Tuesday is a crucial day for Idaho’s outfitters and guides, especially in District 7. As a resident of Lewiston and manager of a local rafting outfitter, I urge my fellow citizens to vote for Rep. Charlie Shepherd. Like his father before him, Rep. Shepherd is a dedicated advocate for Idaho’s traditional industries, including our river-based outfitting and guiding sector. His commitment to rural economies and our way of life makes him the clear choice for District 7.

River-based outfitters are vital to Idaho’s outdoor heritage, providing world-class fishing, rafting and wilderness experiences that attract global visitors and bolster rural economies. Our livelihoods depend on sustainable river ecosystems and supportive policies. Rep. Shepherd is our ally.

Shepherd stands out as a legislator who supports our industry and rural economic interests, even when politically challenging. In the Idaho House of Representatives, he has actively supported legislation protecting natural resources and ensuring vibrant businesses. His track record includes advocating for reasonable regulations, wildlife management funding and responsible outdoor recreation policies.

Most importantly, Shepherd understands the connection between healthy rivers and thriving communities. He supports measures that protect Idaho’s rivers and fish populations, knowing healthy ecosystems are essential for our industry. His commitment to rural Idaho and the people dependent on land and water for their livelihoods is unwavering.

The challenges facing Idaho’s outfitters and guides require a representative like Charlie Shepherd, who firmly supports our industry. On Tuesday, vote for Shepherd to uphold Idaho’s proud outdoor legacy.

Lauren McCullough


Vote for Lori McCann

I would like to strongly urge you to vote for Lori McCann on Tuesday.

As a former county commissioner, I know first-hand that Lori represents all the constituents of District 6 (not just a minority of overly vocal ones) and does not cower to the political pressures of the Idaho Freedom Foundation and the like. This is unique and rare as compared to most of our past political officials.

She is easy to work with and alongside and doesn’t have any personal agendas other than representing District 6 for the benefit of all of us. Lori listens, is a good communicator and is not afraid to explain in detail the how and why of any votes she makes on our behalf. Refreshing.

Lori is very accessible, exceptional to work with, is open-minded, and takes the time to actively seek input and advice from her constituents regardless of their affiliations or positions. She takes the commonsense approach and is all about protecting our freedom of choice while minimizing government. This is what we all should expect from our representatives.

Please join me in voting Lori McCann on Tuesday.

Mike Ponozzo


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