OpinionMay 11, 2024

Invest in our future

Number one of most importance is, invest in our children. Our children have a much better chance of investing in our communities in positive ways with a good education under their belts. If we do not invest in their education, they are more likely to be a burden to our communities than a good investment.

Idaho is behind every other state in receiving funding for our schools. This a new wave. In past years, we voted for the school levy. We need to step up and vote to bring our national total for funding our children’s futures up to where all other states are right now. Most states vote yes on levies for our children regularly because they understand the need for educated community members.

We need a healthy and robust staff population in our schools to meet our children’s educational needs. We need the staff and teachers to keep our students engaged and wanting to learn.

We have a conservative budget that helps our schools rank high in education, increasing consistent accomplishments by our students.

Our children need our support. Our taxes increase very little, even though this is a common misconception. Another misconception is that people can’t afford to invest in this levy. This is not based on any actual numbers.

Our children are the very best investment we can make to our community and ultimately the whole United States. The children are our future. Please vote yes May 21 for Mountain View School District No. 244’s levy.

Regina Yegge


Conservative natives

In regard to the Nez Perce County Republican Central Committee meetings, I have witnessed very disturbing things.

Sadly, many local conservatives cannot believe a Native person can be a conservative. Our traditional form of government differs little from conservative views.

“Let me be a free man ... Free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself ... .” These words were delivered to Congress by Chief Joseph. Tribal leaders worked for the benefit of the people.

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Another tradition is that of the Whip People, the disciplinarians of the tribe. Discipline wasn’t always physical. Sometimes we are made to listen to things that we may not want to hear. As a whipman, I voice these concerns.

Today, any person not in agreement with the party platform is labeled a “Republican in name only.” RINOs are viewed as the enemy from within. In fact, there is a bigger and more insidious threat. That threat is the “salad bar conservative.” Salad bar conservatives pick and choose what they believe in as the need suits them. The first line of the platform preamble reads, “We believe ... that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.”

Having witnessed committeemen taking advantage of one man’s disability to silence him, in direct violation of the party platform, one must ask: “If individual precinct committeemen will not hold themselves accountable to the platform, then how can anyone trust a candidate they endorse?”

James R. Spencer


Vote for Shepherd

Larry Dunn, we thought we knew ya. But there’s simply no way to know what you would do to us in the Legislature.

Every once in a while, circumstances give a preview of what an elected official might be like in office. Sometimes, a flip-flop happens right in front of God and everyone. If you will flip on the school board, Larry, how might you flop in the Legislature, especially with deep-state pressure all around you?

You stunned a lot of people by moving the Mountain View School District No. 244 levy. Yourself, in fact. This move was then seconded by another we thought we knew. Guess not. At least you gave the voters a preview, Larry. Thank you.

I’m not sure how being a code enforcement officer benefits the people of Legislative District 7. We don’t allow such nonsense in Idaho County, Larry. That won’t help us here. Was it California maybe?

No one is born for public office, Larry. No one. Those who believe so need to rethink their opinion of themselves. “Pride goeth before the fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

Charlie Shepherd is a native of Idaho County with deep conservative roots. On May 21, I will vote for Charlie Shepherd for seat 7B. I hope you folks will, too.

Joseph A. Rohner III


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