Mr. Trump needs help
With the fraud case not going his way, Donald Trump and family are liable for about $450 million. And more judgments are on the way.
So far Trump has pedaled flags, coins, hats, mugs, nonfungible tokens, etc. Last year he started selling pieces of the suit he wore when he got arrested. Genius.
The next desperate step is obvious: relics. Mr. Trump — and certainly many of his followers — think he was sent by God. Really owning a genuine relic of the chosen one, not just something he wore, would really be something. Hair, teeth, nails, diapers; there’s a gold mine of relics to glorify. DNA provenance will be provided by the Trump Organization.
R.M. Strongoni
Constitutional persons
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that an embryo is a person. It won’t be long before Idaho ideologues bring this same legislation before the Legislature.
Beware. This is a legal labyrinth. If an embryo, even a frozen one, is given status as a “constitutional person” there will be a legal caca storm which will swallow legislative time, attorney general resources and taxpayer dollars. An embryo will likely require a Social Security number. Also, parents will be able to claim their embryos, frozen or not, as dependents on their tax returns.
If they are constitutional persons, embryos will also likely need to be counted on a U.S. Census. If a constitutional person embryo is inside another person (a.k.a. a pregnant female), the woman’s rights may be subjugated. This means she may be charged with child endangerment for a variety of reasons.
How would you like the state dictating what you can and can’t eat when pregnant, or charge you with a criminal offense for taking a chemotherapy treatment because it might harm the “person” inside of you? If a woman has a miscarriage, she might be investigated to determine if a crime occurred (if it was a natural miscarriage or an induced miscarriage).
This is starting to look more and more like authoritarianism than freedom. People, quit voting for these extremist idiots who are ruining our country.
Russell Gee
Not terrified
I see that my Jan. 15 letter about Marjorie Taylor Greene and Hunter Biden got Glenn Richey’s goat. I guess ’ol Richey didn’t read my letter carefully, since I never once said that Hunter Biden and his attorney were “brave heroes.” What I said was that they did not appear terrified, which they didn’t. ’Ol Richey says that Biden and his attorneys “sprinted” out of the meeting. If ’ol Richey thinks they “sprinted” out of the meeting, he must not have won many races in high school.
Here is an idea: Stop watching “Epoch Times” for 10 seconds and look up this event with Biden and Greene online. The video of the event is there in at least four places. No sprinting.
Maybe ’ol Richey needs to accept that Greene is a “hollow vessel” who can’t keep her mouth shut or stop spewing twaddle.
The last line of ’ol Richey’s letter suggests that I am affected by “Trump derangement syndrome, which is frequently fatal.” Is that the same kind of death threat that your lord and master Donald Trump and his ilk are frequently making? Well, luckily I have long since come to be at peace with my mortality. You and the others of that ilk can just bring it on.
Danny Radakovich
Is a pardon coming?
The Republican Party has for decades promised to be tough on crime.
Why then is Nikki Haley saying that if she becomes president she will pardon the most notorious criminal of this century if he is convicted of federal crimes?
She claims she will pardon Donald Trump in an effort to “bring the country together,” but those of us of a certain age remember when Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for the same reason — and it did not work. In fact, it had the opposite effect and remains one of the major historical reasons so much suspicion of the federal government exists today. The distrust engendered by that infamous pardon has only deepened over the years.
Haley is smart enough to know this, but she must consider the rest of us too stupid to see that the real reason she says she will pardon Trump is to get votes. Simple as that. And the real reason Trump wants to be president is to lift himself from the deep legal hole into which his illegal behavior has placed him, a hole into which Haley has promised to toss a rescue rope.
But who will rescue America from the discord such an act will create? It certainly won’t be the party which has sold its soul to the king of discord.
Mike Ruskovich