OpinionMarch 28, 2021

Trillhaase tripped over bias

The Lewiston Tribune (new motto: 14 percent less B. S. weekly for the same low price) on Thursday published a more-than-usual puzzling and hard-to-understand “Editorial: The Tribune’s Opinion” by his eminence, Marty Trillhaase.

Equating several Idaho Republican officials with bigots in George Orwell’s “1984” for trying to legislatively censor Idaho schools, Trillhaase instead editorialized a suggestion that the Tribune believes Idaho schools should teach the following:

l One race or sex is superior to another.

l An individual is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive because of their race or sex, “whether consciously or unconsciously.”

l An individual bears responsibly for actions committed in the past by individuals of the same sex or race.

l Merit-based systems are racist or sexist.

l Idaho or the United States are “fundamentally sexist or racist”.

The problem with attacking folks for what you think they are trying to do instead exposes your own biases. While I don’t really think you meant to speak as a champion of the above five elements that Ada County Republican Chairman Ed Humphreys was trying to prevent being taught, you may have tripped over your own prejudice against those awful Republicans.

While Humphreys clearly misunderstands what the First Amendment protects and allows, the above five elements are unmistakably racist on their face.

However, if the Tribune does in fact champion the teaching of these racist concepts as fact, you fall in the category of irresponsible journalists who should return their journalism degrees and demand your money back.

Rick Rogers


Printing right-wing lies

A main problem with the Lewiston Tribune’s decision to publish right-wing lies and disinformation alongside real news and legitimate, fact-based political opinion is that many such false claims are fundamentally racist and hostile to constitutional democracy.

A recent Lisa Benson cartoon shows a slender Democrat donkey in a (urban/elite) suit and tie holding a giant ax labeled H.R.1, a voting rights bill intended to ensure that all Americans are equally able to cast votes in upcoming elections.

The proposed legislation is in response to what scholar Michelle Alexander calls the New Jim Crow, an organized and deeply cynical effort by Republicans in the Deep South and other red states to limit voting access for African Americans, other nonwhite voters, urban voters, young voters and many seniors.

Benson’s cartoon shows a heavy set, middle aged white man in a (working class/rural) ball cap and T-shirt, protecting an enormous old-growth tree labeled “States’ Voting Laws.”

Why not just come out and say what you mean instead of confusing us with iconography suggesting environmental activists defending ancient forests from industrial harvest? The tree is old because racist voter suppression is “traditional,” dating to Reconstruction following the end of the Civil War and the enfranchisement of Black voters in the U.S.

Finally, note the bogus “I’m from the government and ... ” reference.

I’m pretty sure Ronald Reagan would be disgusted by this current GOP voter suppression campaign since, for better or worse, he was able to win on his own merits, unlike former President Donald Trump.

Chris Norden


Told the truth

Yes, I said: “I have never had a poor person offer me a job.”

It sounds horrible, right?

No. 1, it’s true.

Secondly, consider it in the context of the lengthy debate we were having on tax relief in which the Democrats were arguing that the rich were getting a tax break while the poor who pay no taxes are not getting a tax break. Yes, re-read that the complaint that people who pay no taxes are not getting a tax break.

They continue to say that cutting taxes is unfair.

The top 20 percent of society pays 80 percent of all taxes. If you want more taxes, you need more people producing jobs that create those jobs. Government jobs require those tax dollars that are mostly paid by the top 80 percent. Unfortunately, we are starting to believe that growing government is a great job creator.

I’m sorry that some might have been offended by my words. I would think the people of Legislative District 6 would rather have a representative who tells the truth in a debate.

Mike Kingsley


Unhappy with Goetz

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During the summer search for a missing person, Clearwater County Sheriff Chris Goetz called in dog search teams from around the area. He stated that they may be able to receive reimbursement. They did — to the tune of $1,771

He paid this reimbursement out of the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue treasury in September. This was money search and rescue earned as well as state reimbursement money received in its name that it didn’t get.

Goetz called; he should have paid.

Now for the killer: My wife submitted her time sheets again via search and rescue email as was standard operating procedure.

When she questioned why she did not receive reimbursement, also, it was stated they had not received her time sheets. ...

The new secretary said she would look into it. What she found was that my wife’s emails had been blocked from search and rescue. The new secretary corrected the problem and at the same time found all of her emails in the spam file. That email was forwarded to Goetz so he would know what was going on.

Still nothing was done for reimbursement even though search and rescue had the time sheets.

This is just more discrimination toward my wife from the sheriff. ...

I’ll bet nothing will be done to the search and rescue member who blocked my wife’s emails ... because he has the sheriff’s back.

The sheriff should remove this person from search and rescue for such a discrimination toward another member.

Frederick Allen


Denying voter rights

The Idaho secretary of state’s website reflects 20,850 registered voters in Idaho’s Legislative District 27.

Senate Bill 1110 requires 6 percent of the registered voters in each of Idaho’s 35 legislative districts to sign a petition in favor of any proposed citizen’s initiative in order for that initiative to be put to a statewide vote. Six percent of District 27’s voters equal 1,251 voters. If only 5 percent of District 27’s voters signed the petition (1,042 voters), that citizen’s initiative would fail across all 35 rural and urban districts.

The 209 voters short of the required 6 percent in District 27 who chose not to involve themselves in the petition, no matter the subject of the petition, would result in all 1.056 million of Idaho’s rural and urban voters not having any vote on the citizen’s initiative.

SB 1110, being marketed as protecting our rural population’s right to be heard, is nothing more than a sham by Idaho’s Legislature to virtually kill our constitutional right to a citizens initiative.

SB 1110 represents our authoritarian Legislature’s continual efforts to deny Idaho’s citizens’ rights.

Tom Newton


Amazed at politics

I’m amazed how politics is played in Asotin County.

First, it is announced property by the landfill would be the perfect spot for the jail. The county owns the property and would save millions. Nothing is said about the 14th Street and Port Drive property.

Then in January, it is announced the county is purchasing 6-plus acres at this location for the jail, of which they are going to use only 4 acres for jail construction. ...

Commissioner Brian Shinn stated the voter-approved sales tax money can only be used for construction and maintenance.

Then I recall the city attorney stated a law that says the county can not purchase the 2-plus acres for resale.

So where is the money coming from to pay for the 2-plus acres?

To top that, the city is not zoned for the jail. According to the mayor, it won’t get a change until June — if the council approves it. ...

The problem? Public records show the county put $14,000 earnest money in October. Closing is to be done by March 31 before the zoning is approved.

Now closing is not until July. Again, it’s the cart before the horse. So who has who in whose pocket.

The voters approved $13 million for the sales tax to take care of the jail. ... With the interest and D.A Davidsons’ part, it will be closer to $26 million.

And, of course, if it’s done like the aquatic center, it will be refinanced several times.

Jim Griffin


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