By design, not chance
While visiting back East recently, I went to a local zoo.
The river otter display was set up with an aquarium plate glass window so you could see into the water in front and land in the background.
The otters swam on the surface and would dive and swim under water.
It was very nicely done.
What surprised me was the informational sign, which in large capitalized letters stated: “SWIMMERS by DESIGN.”
Now the word design was twice as large and the letters thicker than the word swimmers, leaving no doubt that the emphasis was about design.
Different design features were outlined such as: “webbed feet push more water and propel otters through the water, ...” “Whiskers are sensitive to water movement and help find prey under the water, ...” “River otters can hold their breath for up to eight minutes under water, ...” etc.
It was refreshing to read about observed zoological facts with not a hint that this came about by a supposed materialistic evolution philosophy, a process by chance or accident.
If something is designed, it suggests intelligence, planning, information, engineering and construction to put something together for a purpose.
In school, students are taught all vertebrates evolved from fish. If that’s so, when it comes to swimming, we humans have lost something.
Yes, swimmers are earning gold, silver and bronze medals in racing at the Olympics, but we are clumsy in the water compared to fish, otters and marine mammals.
What exactly is certain about evolution ?
Fritz Kettenburg
Supports Boots
Wilson Boots for mayor. Boots is one of the good guys. He is as honest as the day is long.
What he tells you is the truth. As for Dan Johnson running for mayor: As long he was an Idaho politician, he could not do a thing to protect property owners from trespassing nor from property damages.
I want someone who will represent the people of Lewiston.
Boots is that person.
Barry Schultz Sr.
Dragging Giddings down
Rep. Sage Dixon, R-Ponderay: It has come to our attention that you are using the power of your office as chairman of the House Ethics Committee to undermine the campaign of Priscilla Giddings, candidate for lieutenant governor, who is running against your apparent boss, Scott Bedke.
Bedke has decided to spend $100,000 of our money on a smear campaign against her.
She has done nothing to warrant you dragging her through your unethical Ethics Committee hearing.
She has a superb record of serving her country both in the military and in the state Legislature.
For a more detailed report on this whole sordid affair of how Dixon is using the power of his unethical Ethics Committee to destroy political opposition, visit
Robert Vickaryous
Bonners Ferry
No mandates
Lewiston city employees: As most of you have heard by now, I am running to become mayor.
I want you to know that I sympathize with you. The current city manager that you work for forced all city employees to wear masks, even at times when it was only recommended. How he will handle the vaccine mandates that many in the federal and state governments are recommending remains to be seen. If his past actions are any indication, your personal liberties may suffer. The city councilors could have intervened on your behalf, but they have failed you as badly as they have the voters.
Rest assured: If I am elected mayor, I will respect the personal health decisions you make. I will not force you to wear masks or require you to be vaccinated.
That is your choice. You will be treated with the respect that comes with having personal liberty.
Please see my other positions at
I look forward to working with you for the betterment of this community.
Wilson Boots
Attack Freedom Foundation
Chuck Malloy’s commentary in the Aug. 1 Lewiston Tribune rightly points out the ongoing political power of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The headline to his commentary, however, wrongly suggests that attacks will only make the IFF stronger.
If we fail to attack the IFF, we may lose a foundation of our freedom — public education. Public education is central to our greatness as a nation and as a state. Opening its door to all, it has spread literacy and created opportunity. It mixes us together, saving us from narrow-mindedness. If well-funded, public education can continue its mission to keep America inclusive.
Attacks of the IFF on public education are unAmerican as are legislators who bow to its agenda.
Please support legislators who really work for our freedom by opposing the IFF.
Walter Hesford