Show pro-dam viewpoints
If you have lived in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley since the early 1960s, you can’t be neutral on the issue of breaching the lower Snake River dams. In the Tribune, in almost every case where reporter Eric Barker writes about breaching, pro-breachers get the biggest headlines.
Case in point was his May 26 article: Why do 37 pro-breachers get ... on the front page when, at best, they should be in the Northwest section? Why didn’t the session at the Lewiston Community Center last fall, requested by the Lewiston City Council, which had more than 200 in favor of the dams versus 80 in favor of breaching, get much of a headline?
It’s obvious the influence of Barker toward breaching gets the support of outfitters and the tribes in favor of dam removal.
Did Northwest River Partners get front-page news when they said, “Dams are critical for clean energy goals?” The report by Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray indicated the dams’ benefits would have to be replaced before they are breached.
How do you plan to build the railroads, highways, turbines, solar farms, recreational facilities, shipping ports and all the other amenities when we don’t have the resources to take care of the highways?
The Mississippi, Columbia and Snake rivers, with their dams, provide the most economical transportation system you could ever build. Between the Port of Lewiston and Portland/Vancouver ports, ... there is no amount of money you could spend to replace the benefits of these dams.
Marvin J. Entel