OpinionJune 28, 2022

Sign of the times

Here are some points to ponder for the week.

First on gun control: No one needs a semi-automatic or a 10-speed bicycle and citizens should be restricted to single speeds because President Joe Biden almost hurt himself on a 10-speed.

Considering red flag laws, here’s a potential call: “911, this is a concerned person who has a neighbor who took my boy’s Frisbee and now he won’t return it. He is a mean person and mad most of the time. I know he owns firearms and he even has a huge black assault rifle, so can you stop this threat and take his weapons away, which are probably in his bedroom?”

So to you anti-Second Amendment, anti-AR-15 crowd, your grandfather didn’t sleep in a foxhole clutching a picture of your grandmother praying to God just so you could surrender your guns, you pathetic weak-minded fools.

And President Biden, I just can’t afford any more of your success. You brought back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 Great Depression, the 1968 race riots and the 1973 gas shortage, all at the same time. And in New Castle, N.H., you said, “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels one way or another.”

And lastly, new woke liberals have decided men can get pregnant so maybe the tampon shortage can be attributed to girly men stocking up. And will they deliver naturally or by C-section? Very important issues of our times.

John Webb


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New lease on life

I just spent five nights at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center and I want to thank all the staff for the most courteous and helpful care I received from the various nurses, certified nursing assistants and aides. Everyone had a positive and caring attitude.

Although there are too many to name, I especially want to thank my surgeon, Sallee Jones, for what she performed. I am sure she prolonged this 68-year-old’s life for more years to come.

Robert Wright


Who’s calling who ugly?

Sunday’s column from Cindy Agidius on “ugly politics” was a clear attempt to redirect Lewiston Tribune readers’ attention away from the failure of Idaho Republican leadership. Her next column might want to opine on the absorption of the John Birch Society, white nationalism, anti-public school sentiment and pro-militia movement into the Idaho Republican base.

Idaho wouldn’t need citizen initiatives to properly fund Idaho education if the Idaho Republican supermajority followed the Idaho Constitution. The Idaho Republican Party aligns itself with the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s attempt to derail our public education system and keep us last in the nation. Now, isn’t that really ugly politics?

Larry LaRocco


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