Movie opens soon
“Sound of Freedom” is the title of the new movie being released by Angel Studios (streaming platform of “The Chosen”), and is based on a compelling true story. It will premiere at Village Centre Cinemas in Lewiston (and other locations) July 4, starring actor Jim Caviezel (Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ”), Mira Sorvino and Bill Camp.
“Sound of Freedom” is a thriller and action-drama based on the incredible, riveting, true-life story of Tim Ballard, “a former government (Department of Homeland Security) agent-turned-vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.”
This powerful story is one of “heroism and stands as a testament to the tenacious spirit of those who refuse to let evil triumph.”
Trailers for the film can easily be found online at a number of websites, including
Buy “Sound of Freedom” tickets, watch trailers and find showtimes near you at (and on YouTube), and tickets can even be purchased in advance at VCC.
The movie promises to be exciting and intense, but more importantly, it shines a light on an important, real-world and international issue occuring right now.
“We need to wake up,” said Tim Ballard in a recent interview for the movie, and as the interviewer said, “The first step in confronting evil is to look at it” and “this inspiring movie gives us a glimmer of hope.”
Thank you, Village Centre Cinemas, for bringing this important film to Lewiston over July 4.
Ronda Granlund
Two old geezers
There must be at least two people in this great country better suited to lead than the two old geezers now in the news.
One is an ex-president who will not admit losing a fair and legal election, is responsible for the Jan. 6 riot that was not a walk in the park and is under felony indictment with more to come.
The other has been in Washington, D.C., so long he does not know when to quit.
Ted Wilkins