OpinionJune 15, 2023

Be careful who you hate

Dick Sherwin, regarding the numerous biblical passages quoted in your letter to the editor Sunday, I have a few questions and a comment.

Are you proud of what your hateful letter condemns?

Are you proud of hiding behind selective passages of the Bible?

And finally, regarding being proud regarding oneself and one’s own beliefs, what would Jesus do, Mr. Sherwin?

I have a T-shirt I purchased years ago and wear occasionally that has a saying on it that you may want to keep in mind: “Be careful who you hate. It could be someone you love.”

Mary Hites


Here we go again

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Wow, here we go again.

It definitely appears to me those who say the Democrats are afraid they can’t beat Donald Trump in the election are correct. The Democrat answer: Let’s become a banana republic and take our former president to court so that we can smear him over and over again with lie after lie. After all, we have about 16 times more media to broadcast our slant compared to them.

Anti-Trumpers please note: President Trump was cleared in the Mueller report of all the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax accusing his campaign of colluding with Russia in the election.

The Durham report details how the FBI inappropriately investigated Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any evidence. In other words, the investigation was based on lies from his political opponents. Yet, over and over again, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, of California, stated he had seen proof. His proof was never shown because it didn’t exist. But his lie, his claim, kept the news media salivating on the topic.

Now while ignoring lots of documents that, as senator and vice president, Joe Biden had no legal right to have, they are making up charges against Trump for having documents that, as president, he is entitled to have.

They are indicting Biden’s political “enemy” in another effort to silence Trump. That’s what banana republics do.

Americans want a blind system of justice, not the two-tiered system being delivered by the Biden administration. I believe even my Democrat friends don’t approve of this action.

Bruce Barnett


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