OpinionJuly 31, 2022

Questions headgate project

As I read the newspaper from my room at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center, I noticed the Asotin County Commission is moving forward with the headgate project up Asotin Creek.

I, too, along with others who grew up here and have recreated up the Asotin Creek area since we were children, value the area and the resources it provides. I feel that this matter has not been fully vetted to my satisfaction.

The commissioners are only looking for tax revenue, which makes them short-sighted.

They say they don’t have the money to maintain the park or patrol the area, so let’s just make a housing project and reap the benefits. Is this what the county has come to? When something needs addressed and it’s not their priority, let’s take the easy route and make a buck while they are at it. ...

The dam was removed to help the fish habitat. How is the construction of a bunch of houses in that area going to help the habitat? ...

The county government is running unopposed in the upcoming election. This is not a good thing. All this is saying that the people are satisfied. I don’t believe that.

There are some elected people who have an attitude that they are untouchable and can run their departments, no matter what the public thinks or how people are affected.

Soon I will get out of this hospital after two weeks and take a drive down memory lane up Asotin Creek and reflect.

Rodger Rawson


Don’t vote stupidly, GOP

Dear dumb Republicans:

Do not vote for fringe GOP candidates, such as many of us did in the last governor’s race.

Gov. Jay Inslee was ripe to be defeated, but we selected a candidate who had no chance of winning. Don’t make the same error when voting for local, state and federal offices this time around.

Please do not give me the garbage of Republicans in name only as I would rather have a chair at the decision table with a Republican who I only agree with 60% to 80% of the time than have no place at the table.

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If you are happy with the state government restrictions regarding COVID-19, attempts at a Washington income tax and our rising fuel costs (just wait until the cap-and-trade kicks in on fuel this coming January), then you should continue to select radical far-right Republicans who have no chance to win in the general election. Democrats will thank you.

For the primary, pick candidates who can win in the general election.

Mike Cloke


Walk or bike

The killer heat wave spread north to Canada. Five thousand U.S. citizens died. July was the warmest month ever recorded with 121 degrees in Steele, N.D.

The year was 1936. The heat wave struck during the Great Depression, six years into a sustained period of crop failure and economic hardship. The winter before was one of the coldest on record.

In 1989, global warming pushers said that by 2020 half the nations in the world would be under water and billions of people would perish. But many global warming alarmists bought houses worth millions built within a quarter-mile of shorelines.

In fact, most liberals pushing global warming live within 50 miles of the coastlines.

And President Joe Biden’s climate czar guru expert, John Kerry, uses a private jet that has emitted 500 metric tons of carbon just in the last 18 months.

“Rules for thee but not for me,” it appears.

The battery of electric cars is approximately 1,100 pounds. To make that battery, 10 tons of salt is required to process lithium, 15 tons of ore for cobalt and two tons of ore for nickel. A total of 200 tons of soil is excavated for a single battery.

How can anyone in good conscience say this is better for the environment than fossil fuel vehicles?

There should be a law that electric cars can only be charged by wind and solar. Then, maybe, reality will hit home.

Want to give up fossil fuels? Walk or buy a bicycle.

John Webb


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