OpinionJuly 20, 2022

Backs U.S. 95 realignment

As a group in charge of providing safe roadways for the public, it is our responsibility to address road safety concerns in any jurisdiction, including those on the current stretch of U.S. Highway 95. We do want to thank the Idaho Transportation Department for getting the U.S. 95 realignment project from Thorn Creek Road to Moscow out to final bid and the construction started.

But after the bid was awarded, a very small, but vocal group on Paradise Ridge, is trying to shut the realignment project down.

ITD has been very thorough, going through all the permitting, environmental reviews and necessary required documentation before putting this out to bid.

When people in this small group built their houses on Paradise Ridge and the driveways leading to them, didn’t these concerns exist? What has changed?

We fully support the ITD to make this new roadway a reality, greatly reducing accidents and fatalities. Please give the transportation department your support.

Kevin Renfrow

South Latah Highway District


Not the same gun

Fact check to Carol J. Schmidt: An AR-15 is not a military assault weapon. Our U.S. military does not stock AR-15s in its arsenal. Military assault weapons are not sold to the civilian population.

Catherine Munden


Jail the homeless

We have a solution for the homeless — the jail. Now don’t laugh, this just might work.

Homeless people can go to jail. There they will get access to a free meal, clean showers, a bed and security.

Society can rest knowing the homeless are not roaming around their neighborhoods, begging for food or money or breaking into homes.

The jail will get funds for the homeless just like prisoners. There would be no need for an organization to buy a building, pay taxes, hire employees, maintain the property, or to have security to protect neighborhoods.

Some people lose their homes for no reason of their own — loss of a job, increase of rent or fire of their home, for example.

Others just know how to work the system.

Homeless people are given the privilege of using the jail for 60 days to find a job or other safe living conditions. Our community can donate clothing so a person would be presentable when applying for work.

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If a homeless person is using drugs, he must attend a drug treatment program.

In any event the homeless must follow rules of the jail system. If they do not make a sincere attempt to adhere to the 60 days requirement they will be escorted out of town.

The homeless are a community problem. We as a community must work together to help with this problem. People complain but they don’t have any answers. Let’s be one of the first communities to try something different.

Dode Bovey


Ulrey nailed it

Hooray, Zeke Ulrey.

The only truly intelligent way to respond to those with blinders glued on and brains turned off: “It’s nice outside and I’ve infinitely better things to do.”

Janice McGeachin, Chad Christensen, Marvin Dugger, Mike Lindell, Tom Eubank, Idaho Republican Party, Donald Trump, Ammon Bundy, et al., accuse “weaker” and “less competent” Democrats of pulling off some awfully big political moves.

Sorry, guys. If you believe that, so will others who now look at all of you as weaker, incompetent and just plain nuts.

Grow up. Move on. Fight a good fight for once. Or take your deflated ball and go home.

We are going to enjoy sanity and sun.

Thanks, again, Zeke.

Charlotte Ash


Money to burn

Where are you Judge John Bradbury?

This city has its head in the sand. Why prepare to spend $95 million to build a park that very few will benefit from when they could retire the stupid $80 million bond for sewer and water that the city is ripping us off for.

If the city has those excess funds to blow, do something to relieve the dang debt to all of us taxpayers here.

Roy Dotson


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